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Tracking Terrorism 2016 Symposium - Countering the Threat of Violent Extremism

As catastrophic influences continue to challenge our public safety, we must focus our attention on how to detect, deter, deny and disrupt the threat of violent extremism. Presented by renowned experts, this professionally driven symposium will provide participants considerable knowledge and valuable operational tools to identify and counter the emerging threat of modern day terrorism.

This symposium is specifically designed for a professional audience and will offer learning opportunities into the following topics:

Causes and effects of violent extremism

The psychology of radicalization and who is at risk

The victimology of terrorism and lessons learned from terrorist events

Denying the threat by employing effective counter-measures

Threats, trends and the future of extremism

The global security situation and its effect on the Canadian way of life

This symposium encourages professional discussion on the topics and introduces the participants to upcoming training at Durham College. For more information please visit the event’s website.



May 17th, 2016


2000 Simcoe St. N.
Oshawa, ON, Canada
L1H 7K



Cost: $199 + HST

Register today

If you require accommodation
due to a disability, please
contact Trevor Greenall.

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