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Chromatography is an essential analytical tool for a wide variety of industries and government agencies. It is relied upon for the quality control and safety testing of pharmaceuticals and many food products, the analysis of clinical samples related to human health, and a variety of research and regulatory programs for the protection of our environment. Chromatography II builds and expands upon the theoretical concepts presented in Chromatography I. A detailed examination of the components required for High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Gas Chromatography (GC), and Ion Chromatography (IC) is presented, including strategies for the prevention and troubleshooting of instrumental issues. Recent developments and trends in the field of chromatography will be introduced. Sample preparation techniques and method development strategies for the quantitative and qualitative analysis of a range of samples will be discussed. Industry practices and governmental regulatory requirements such as methods validation and installation, operation and performance qualification (IQ, OQ, PQ) will be introduced. The laboratory component of the course allows students to gain practical hands-on training on HPLC, IC and GC equipment to apply the theory, including calculations, and knowledge presented in lecture. Upon completion of this course, a student should be able to follow a Standard Operating Procedure, run samples on LC, IC and GC instrumentation and collect and interpret meaningful data.
March BreakProgram Showcaseand Tours March 10 to 14