SALS offers academic writing and learning strategies workshops throughout the semester. See the SALS events calendar below for our upcoming synchronous (live) workshops and follow these instructions to register.
Click here for an accessible PDF version of the SALS workshops and modules.
SALS events calendar
Develop strategies to help you prepare for and complete tests and exams. Learn about a number of test and...
Learn moreUnderstand how you learn and how to use the science of learning to get the most from your study...
Learn moreLIVE – THURSDAYS 3PM ON RIOTRADIO.CA Let’s explore what it means to be well, from meditation, stress management, safer...
Learn moreAcademic Integrity
This workshop provides an overview of Durham College’s Academic Integrity policy, discusses plagiarism and how it is detected, teaches the basics of referencing, and provides strategies and resources for maintaining academic integrity.
Find out how to register for and complete the Academic Integrity workshop here.
This workshop reviews the importance of referencing, ways to avoid plagiarism, how to reference correctly, and how to properly format a college paper.
Academic Writing Workshops
This workshop provides strategies for making your academic reading time more efficient and effective. The focus is on finding important information and techniques for remembering the information you need.
This workshop helps you understand what is being asked of you in an assignment and provides strategies for generating and organizing your ideas to prepare for the next steps.
This workshop helps you narrow your focus to a research question and provides strategies and resources to keep ideas and research organized so you can write your first draft.
Students often lose marks in their assignments for grammar, spelling, and accuracy. Proofreading and editing add polish to a completed document. Learn how to read for errors and accuracy as you develop strategies that will make this often overlooked step a natural one.
This workshop highlights common writing errors and provides strategies and resources for finding them.
This workshop reviews grammar terminology, sentence structure, and common grammatical errors.
This workshop helps you understand and meet the expectations of your field placement.
This workshop helps you to improve the planning and delivery of your individual and group presentations.
This workshop reviews common punctuation to help improve the accuracy and clarity of your writing.
This workshop gives you strategies for understanding and meeting the writing requirements of the community services and child studies disciplines. Participants receive a writing resource toolkit.
This workshop provides strategies for understanding and meeting scholarly writing requirements in the health sciences. Participants receive a writing resource toolkit.
Learning Skills Workshops
Feeling stressed about learning math?
This workshop is designed to help you identify the cause of your discomfort and give you strategies for improving. You will learn techniques to manage stress in the short term, set goals for yourself, and increase your confidence as your ability improves.
Smart learning starts here.
This workshop briefly discusses several different learning strategies based on the science of learning that you can use to improve your academic experience. More detailed workshops on each strategy are also available for those who would like additional skills.
Take note of how to take better notes in class.
The purpose of this workshop is to explore tips to become an active listener, enhance note-taking skills during class and improve the use of class notes as study tools. A number of note formats will be discussed.
Been out of school for a while? This workshop is for you.
Balancing family, work and school can be a demanding experience. This workshop was created to share tips to help you organize your life, prepare for your academic studies and locate resources to help you along the way.
Don’t put it off, sign up today.
This workshop discusses procrastination and helps students recognize how and why they procrastinate. Students will be introduced to strategies for minimizing procrastination, and students will be guided through a series of activities that result in a plan for avoiding and overcoming procrastination.
Study smarter, not harder.
This workshop will help you understand how you learn and how to use the science of learning to get the most from your courses. Study spaces and group studying will also be discussed.
Do tests have you stressed?
This workshop provides tips and strategies to help you be better prepared for tests and exams. Learn techniques to help you improve your scores on multiple choice, true/false, and essay test questions.
Time flies when you’re unprepared.
This workshop will help you start off your semester properly. You will learn numerous strategies to help you organize your time and become a more efficient student who has more free time and less stress.