Financial Aid and Awards
Financial Aid Self-Service
OSAP Information
- OSAP Information
- FAQ - OSAP/financial aid
- What is the OSAP Process
- Instruction for uploading supporting documentation
- How do I apply for part-time OSAP
- OSAP forms
- OSAP - Application Update Redirection of Funds
- OSAP - Academic Probation Letter
- OSAP - Changes in student financial status
- OSAP - Changes to original OSAP application
- Funding Summary Details
Out of Province Loans
As a student from outside Ontario, you may be eligible for loans and bursaries through your home province or territory. “Home” province or territory is usually defined as the province in which your parents currently reside, or, if you are an independent applicant, the province in which you have most recently lived and worked for 12 consecutive months (excluding residence for full-time attendance at a post-secondary institution). Use the links below to find out more about Government assistance in your home province.
- Alberta
- British Columbia
- Manitoba
- Northwest Territories
- Nova Scotia
- Ontario
- Prince Edward Island
- Quebec
- Saskatchewan
- Yukon
Preparing for Registration
Document Submission for Financial Aid
Oshawa Campus
- Drop your documents in Financial Aid & Awards drop box located on the first floor of the Student Services Building between the double sliding doors on the Northeast entrance/exit
- Upload them to your OSAP account directly
- Scan and email them to
- Take a ticket from the kiosk and a representative will scan and email them to Financial Aid & Awards on your behalf
Whitby Campus
- Upload them to your OSAP account directly
- Scan and email them to
- Take a ticket from the kiosk and a representative will scan and email them to Financial Aid & Awards on your behalf
Please note the most efficient way to provide your documentation is to upload them directly to your OSAP account. You can find instructions here.
Book an appointment
Students with a Durham College issued student number can make an appointment directly to see a Financial Aid coach through the myVisit website at or by downloading the myVisit mobile app through Google Play or App Store.
Students who have not yet been issued a Durham College student number are required to email to arrange for an appointment with a Financial Aid Coach.
Monday and Friday 8:30AM to 4:30PM
Wednesday 10AM to 4:30PM
Email us
Financial Aid:
Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards:
On campus Employment: