International Student Mentorship Program

During my experience this far as a mentor has been a splendid eye opener regarding students leaving their home life behind and starting fresh in a new country. Getting to learn about students and building real connections via text/email has been wonderful. I am grateful to be a mentor because I can help ease any stress and answer questions that other students may have. I'm extremely appreciative of the opportunity Durham College has offered to me to be a mentor and will hold the memories I’ve made so far.

Brianna Young ISMP Mentor

The International Student Mentorship Program (ISMP) provides welcoming mentorship opportunities to first semester international students by matching first semester students with an upper year mentor, who acts as a resource to answer questions, connects mentees with campus resources and services, and offers social support to ease students’ transition to Durham College. Students are matched based on their program of study, common interests or both.

The goal of the program is to help new students feel welcomed and supported while developing skills they will need to be successful at DC. The program aims to build confidence through meaningful connections between mentors and their mentee(s), encourage using campus resources/services, and contribute to a fulfilling college experience for all participants.


A Peer mentor can assist with some or all of the following:

  • Answer questions about Durham College
  • Getting involved on campus
  • Connect with an experienced DC student in the same program
  • Develop strategies to successfully transition into college life in Canada
  • Understand the supports and services available for personal and academic success
  • Increase new student’s sense of belonging within the DC community


Serving with ISMP is a valuable experience that directly impacts the college community. By volunteering your time, enthusiasm and knowledge, you contribute to the success of first year international students by helping them achieve a sense of belonging at Durham College. Peer mentors are also invited to participate in the DC Crew which offers opportunities to support International Education office events and activities across campus or virtually.

This experience does not only benefit the mentee. Peer mentors also get the opportunity to meet new people, make meaningful connections, and learn about different cultures and backgrounds.


  • Mentors and mentees are asked to meet (physically, virtually, email, etc.) at least 3 times in the Fall 2024 term (September to December). They may choose to meet more than that if they wish.

We understand that life as a student with many responsibilities and priorities is busy and for that reason our mentorship program is flexible and provides mentors and their mentee(s) with an opportunity to determine their own schedule. We encourage mentors and mentees to use communication methods that best work with their needs and are agreed upon by both parties, from emails or phone calls, connections via text or social media, or perhaps meeting for a coffee. The way participants decide to interact is between mentor and mentee(s).

We will keep the applications open to be mentors for the Fall 2024 term until September 20th, 2024. Mentee applications are open year-round.


If a mentor completes their commitment by meeting their assigned mentee(s) at least three times during a particular term, we will offer enrolment into one or more of the career networking events (approved first by the ISMP coordinators) offered through Eventbrite, up to a value of $70.00 CAD.