Transcript Request
Transcript requests may take up to 2 - 3 business days after requested.
An official transcript is a detailed record of your academic history at Durham College that includes an authorized signature.
Durham College is using a new Canadian digital credential platform called MyCreds™ to issue academic documents electronically. MyCreds™ provides fast and easy access to request and send your transcripts and credentials to academic institutions, employers, government offices and more, anytime, anywhere.
For more information about MyCreds™, please visit the MyCreds™ FAQ website.
Request, pay and share your official transcripts in three simple steps:
- Request your transcript by logging into your MyDC account and selecting “Request Transcript”.
- Once you are notified, follow the link you receive from MyCreds via your preferred email address to create your account and/or log in.
- Pay for your credits and share your official transcript.
Click on the TUTORIALS tab below, for a full step-by-step guide to requesting your official transcript.
1. Request a transcript from your OCAS or OUAC application
- If you are applying to another Ontario institution, please note that you will need to request your transcript electronically through Ontario Colleges (OCAS) or Ontario Universities Application Centre (OUAC)
- The transcript will be delivered electronically to OCAS or OUAC and passed along to the schools to which you have applied.
2. Request a transcript – Current Students, Graduates and Alumni
Final grades are shown on an official academic transcript.
Midterm grades are not included on an official academic transcript.
Log in to MyDC with your student number and password.
If you cannot remember your password, please click on the Forgot Password feature on the MyDC login page. If you do not remember your student number or cannot otherwise log in, please contact the IT Service Desk
Please log-in to request a transcript.
Once you are notified by email that the transcript is ready via MyCreds™, you can follow the steps below to download a PDF version of your transcript.
- Once on MyCreds™ and you have paid, click Share
- Click Generate a link to my documents
- Add your name and your email address and click continue to share to yourself
- Purpose of Share, Reference, Access PIN and expiry date are not required
- Go to your email and click View Document
- Verify your email address
- Click Download PDF and save to your files
You can view the how-to download my document as a PDF video here.
early completion letter request
If you are looking for an early completion letter, you would have to be offered a full time job and email us proof of the job offer, along with an Official Documentation Request form completed, ticking off “Eligibility to graduate”. The early audit and letter costs $6 and you will email documents to
To be considered for an early audit, a job offer letter must be in PDF format, on company letterhead, and contain all of the following information:
- Name of the company
- Title of the position
- Title, contact email and phone number of the reporting manager or HR representative
- Work hours must state that the position is full-time or at least 30 hours per week
If you require us to complete forms for CGFNS, NNAS, CLPNA, or CNO, please contact Enrolment Services (or by Livechat) to obtain a password.
Once you have the password, you will visit the transcript page here to submit the transcript request.
On the form, there is a section for Nursing/Post-Nursing Graduates where you will have to check “Nursing validation of course content” ($40 charge + $16 charge for the transcript) and upload documentation. Paper documents will be sent when required based on the receiving organization.
Durham College is using a Canadian digital credential platform called MyCreds™ to issue academic documents electronically. MyCreds™ provides fast and easy access to request and send your transcripts and credentials to academic institutions, employers, government offices and more, anytime, anywhere.
Official transcripts are automatically loaded to MyCreds™ within two weeks of completing your level. You will receive notification via your personal email address on file once your transcript has been uploaded. This email will include instructions on how to access your transcript. You can ensure your email on file is correct by logging-in to your Student Profile and clicking My Personal Information.
Please log-in to request a transcript.
The LSO will accept transcripts via MyCreds.
- Request your transcript at any time
- Check the box indicating “Hold until after Graduation”
- Your Faculty Office will communicate with you in regards to DC verifying with the LSO that you are eligible to register for the exam
- Once available, you will be emailed to log-in to MyCreds™, pay for your credits and share your official transcript with the LSO by clicking “Send my documents to a registered organization”
For MyCreds™ how-to videos, please click here.
Please log-in to request a transcript.
The OCSWSSW will accept transcripts via MyCreds. Please see more information on the OCSWSSW website here.
- Request your transcript at any time
- Check the box indicating “Hold until after Graduation”
- Once available, you will be emailed to log-in to MyCreds™, pay for your credits and share your official transcript with the OCSWSSW by clicking “Send my documents to a registered organization”
For MyCreds™ how-to videos, please click here.
Please log-in to request a transcript.
The CECE will accept transcripts via MyCreds.
- Request your transcript at any time
- Check the box indicating “Hold until after Graduation”
- Once available, you will be emailed to log-in to MyCreds™ and pay for your credits
- Then click the share with "Email" button and continue
- Type in the recipient’s email in the Recipient Email field: (all other fields are optional)
- Click the checkbox to confirm that you are using a share credit, then click Share
For MyCreds™ how-to videos, please click here.
Please log-in to request a transcript.
The CDHO will accept transcripts via MyCreds.
- Request your transcript at any time
- Check the box indicating “Hold until after Graduation”
- Once available, you will be emailed to log-in to MyCreds™, pay for your credits and share your official transcript with the CDHO by clicking “Send my documents to a registered organization”
For MyCreds™ how-to videos, please click here.
Please log-in to request a transcript.
The HRPA will accept transcripts via MyCreds. Please see more information on the HRPS website here.
- Request your transcript at any time
- Check the box indicating “Hold until after Graduation”
- Once available, you will be emailed to log-in to MyCreds™, pay for your credits and share your official transcript with the HRPA by clicking “Send my documents to a registered organization”
For MyCreds™ how-to videos, please click here.
Fees and Payment
There is a $16.00 (plus HST) non-refundable charge for each additional official transcript requested or shared. The transcript fee can be paid by direct debit payment or credit card on MyCreds after the document is uploaded to MyCreds. Should you owe fees or fines, transcript services will not be provided.
Please note, when paying for a share credit, banks hold funds which are released in 24 to 72 hours when a credit card is not successfully entered (i.e. the billing address is not keyed in as an exact match to the billing address on the credit card statement.
Unofficial Transcript
If you require your transcript for personal use at this time, please view your unofficial transcript on MyDC. To do this, please follow the How to View Your Unofficial Transcript tutorial.
What is MyCreds™?
MyCreds™ | MesCertif™ is owned by the Association of Registrars of the Universities and Colleges of Canada (ARUCC).
It is a national credential wallet for postsecondary learners created by Canadian higher education leadership and demonstrates how ARUCC and Canadian colleges, institutes and universities are committed to ensuring official and secure document exchange that adheres to the Groningen Declaration Network (GDN) principles: “Citizens worldwide should be able to consult and share their authentic educational data with whomever they want, whenever they want, wherever.”
ARUCC became a signatory to the GDN principles in 2015.