Campus resources

Professional and Part-time Learning students attending classes at a Durham College campus or location have access to a number of services and facilities.

Access to college facilities

Please use your registration receipt(s) or student ID card as proof of registration for gaining access to Durham College buildings, labs and facilities, particularly outside of regular business hours.

Parking and campus maps

Evening Parking

Drivers entering the gated parking lots at the Oshawa (excluding Founders 1) and Whitby campuses after 5 p.m. during the week should leave the lot before 5 a.m. the next day.

Drivers are required to pull a ticket at the entrance gate and must then re-insert the same ticket at the exit gate when leaving the lot.

Drivers entering lots before 5 p.m. and exiting after this time will be required to pay the posted hourly rates.

See parking rates site for details.

Weekend Parking

Drivers may park in the gated parking lots at the Oshawa (excluding Founders 1) and Whitby campuses after 5 p.m. on Fridays until 5 a.m. Mondays.

Drivers are required to pull a ticket at the entrance gate and must then re-insert the same ticket at the exit gate when leaving the lot.

See parking rates site for details.

For more information about other parking related fees and services, please visit the Parking website.

Campus Maps and Locations

Durham College has fully serviced campuses in Oshawa and Whitby and the Pickering Learning Site.

To view detailed interactive campus maps or to download a printable campus map please visit our campus maps page.

For information about all our locations and directions please visit our locations page.


All students have access to the library and resources. Please visit the library website for a full list of resources and hours of operation.

Computer Use

All Durham College students may use any computer lab at the college unless there is an in-class test or exam in progress. In the event that student(s) are noisy or disruptive, all teachers have the right to ask that individual to leave. Students are asked not to print during a lecture.

Computer Labs

Oshawa campus

Located in the South Wing hallway of the Gordon Willey building, the state-of-the-art Learning Commons offers 200 computer and work stations for academic purposes.

Whitby campus

Featuring 75 computer workstations, the Whitby campus Computer Commons offers computer support to students and employees. Students can also access Media Services and sign out equipment for class projects and presentations.

For more information about the computer labs and hours of operations please visit the computer learning commons webpage.

Campus walk

The Campus Walk service is provided by trained student teams which will, on request, accompany students, employees or visitors to residence, their car or other campus locations on weeknights. All members work in pairs and can be identified by their vests with Campus Walk printed on the back.

To request this service, contact security at:

  • Gordon Willey building, security desk 905.721.2000 ext. 2400 or 905.721.3211
  • Student Services building, security desk
  • Whitby campus, Security office at the 905.721.2000 ext. 4098
  • In the Student Centre, Simcoe Village, South Village Residences or at the Pickering Learning site, speak with security personnel or their front desk staff

You may also call the security desks directly and request to be met at a specific location by Campus Walk team members. Campus Walk is operational from September to the end of April.

Hours of operation (from September to the end of April):

  • Oshawa Campus:
    • Monday to Friday, 7 to 11 p.m.
  • Whitby Campus:
    • Monday to Thursday, 6:30 to 10:30 p.m.

Emergency Procedures

The Security Desk in the main building will be staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 905.721.2000 ext. 2400 or 905.721.3211.


All employees and students must vacate the building in the event of a fire alarm. Take personal belongings with you. Do not use elevators.

If you discover a fire:

Activate a fire alarm pull station. Call 9-911. Evacuate, close doors and stand clear of entrances.

If you hear a fire alarm:

Close doors, exit building and stand clear of entrances.

All Other Emergencies:

In Main Building: Go to the Centre for Professional and Part-time Learning office, A-160 immediately.

In Simcoe Building: Go to the nearest telephone and dial, free-of-charge, 905.721.2000, to get to the main building operator or security.


Weekly menus, Campus Dining Plan information, location maps, hours of operation, and health and nutrition information can all be found on the food on campus website.