Academic and Career Entrance (ACE) Program


The Academic and Career Entrance (ACE) courses and certificate are designed for anyone who:

  • Needs the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) equivalent courses.
  • Has been out of school for some time.
  • Aims to gain the necessary skills and knowledge to access further education and training.

Program of Study

Students are required to print or save a copy of the Program of Study when beginning the program. This document contains critical details about program progression and graduation requirements specific to the academic year in which your program was started.

Click to access the 
Program of Study for the current academic year.

Students who began this program prior to the current academic year may contact the Professional and Part-Time Learning office at or 905-721-3052 to obtain your Program of Study and graduation requirements.

Upon completing the 4 required courses, students may apply to graduate to receive their certificate.

ACE courses will help you:

  • Meet Prerequisites for College Admission; you can obtain equivalencies to an OSSD for admission to college and some university programs. These courses will also help you succeed in a range of post-secondary programs.
  • Fulfill job requirements of many employers that require OSSD equivalent for hiring and advancement purposes.
  • Register and get accepted as an apprentice.

Each ACE course is designed to help students develop the necessary competencies required for success in postsecondary education or the workplace:

  • Apprenticeship Math
  • Biology
  • Business Math
  • Chemistry
  • Communications
  • Computers
  • Core Math
  • Physics
  • Self-Management and Self Direction
  • Technology Math

The ACE Certificate program is a grade 12 equivalent certificate that is recognized for college admissions and for registering as an apprentice in Ontario. Students must complete four required courses in order to qualify for graduation. Please see the Program of Study for further details on the course requirements.

There are two options available for you to choose from:

ACE and ACE+

You can take ACE courses for free if you:

    • are an Ontario resident
    • are at least 18+ years old
    • are proficient in English
    • can meet the required entry scores on Skillsmarker Assessments

    How to register for an ACE course:

    • Go to the ACE Distance Delivery website to start the process and fill in the online application form.
    • After you submit the form, you will receive an email with next-steps.
    • You will complete online skills assessments (1-2 hours) and, if successful, will then complete the Learn to Learn (L2L) online orientation course (15-20 hours, 2-3 weeks)
    • Once you complete L2L, you will be given instructions to register for your first ACE course. 

    Registration Restrictions:

    • If a student fails to complete their no-fee ACE online course and did not officially withdraw or has a failing final grade, they must pay for the next ACE course they take – same course or a different course.
    • Students registered to take no-fee ACE Distance course who have not logged on within 13 days of the start of the course will be removed from the course.
    • Students who are removed from a course will not be able to register for any further ACE Distance courses as a tuition-free student. Please email if you have any concerns.
    • Students who do not meet the requirements for non-fee paying ACE courses may choose to register for fee-paying ACE+ courses directly on the DC Professional and Part-Time Learning website.

    OSSD Equivalent ACE Courses

    Students can take individual courses to earn specific OSSD Equivalent credit(s) or complete 4 courses to receive a Durham College Certificate.

    Ace Course No Fee Course Code (ACE) Fee-paying Course Code (ACE+) OSSD Equivalent OSSD Code
    Communications ACE 1084 ACE 1384 Grade 12 – English ENG4C
    College Preparation
    Core Mathematics ACE 1086 ACE 1386 Grade 12 – Mathematics for Work and Everyday Life MEL4E
    Workplace Preparation
    Apprenticeship Mathematics ACE 1080 ACE 1380 Grade 12 – Foundation for College Mathematics MAP4C
    College Preparation
    Business Mathematics ACE 1082 ACE 1382 Grade 12 – Foundation for College Mathematics MAP4C
    College Preparation
    Technical Mathematics ACE 1089 ACE 1389 Grade 12 – Technical Mathematics for College, MCT4C
    College Preparation
    Biology ACE 1081 ACE 1381 Grade 11 – Biology SBI3C
    College Preparation
    Chemistry ACE 1083 ACE 1383 Grade 12 – Chemistry SCH4C
    College Preparation
    Physics ACE 1087 ACE 1387 Grade 11 – Physics
    Grade 12 – Physics
    SPH4C, SPH3U
    University Preparation
    College Preparation

    Additional ACE Courses

    Course No Fee Course Code Fee-paying Course Code
    Computers ACE 1085 ACE 1385
    Self-Management and Self-Direction ACE 1088 ACE 1388
    University Stream Biology N/A ACE 1780
    University Stream Chemistry N/A ACE 1783

    Frequently Asked Questions / Additional Information