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Are you are interested in learning new ways to enrich the lives of others through education? We offer a variety of professional development learning options that provide extensive exposure to all areas of today’s teaching and learning environments.  If you have the passion, take this opportunity to further your career in the education industry.


  • eLearning Developer (Certificate)
    • Code: ELDP

    With the recent and unprecedented shift from classroom to online education resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic, eLearning has become a mission critical skill for educators. With the growth of online education, teaching and training has advanced the need for skilled developers of web-based learning.... This program is designed to provide students with usable skills and a pedagogical basis in order to develop quality online learning materials. Students will not only learn the practical skills for development, but will also be introduced to how their role relates to the team-based approach in educational design. Learn more about eLearning Developer (Certificate)...

  • Teaching and Training Adults (Certificate)
    • Code: TEAC

    This certificate will train you to teach or facilitate adults in any capacity. Whether you teach in a formal classroom setting, facilitate seminars, train employees, or teach a general-interest program to adults, you will be well equipped to meet the needs of all of your adult learners. Your first ...course will be Adult Learning. You will begin your studies by exploring the nature of adult learners, their learning styles, needs and characteristics, and analyze what makes teachers effective. Then, you will address critical aspects in course delivery. Learn more about Teaching and Training Adults (Certificate)...
