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Introduction to Social Media

SOMT 1281

Learners explore the fundamentals of social media. Topics covered include an introduction to social media, the evolution of social media, how it has changed and expanded, and explore how it affects our lives and our livelihoods through other emerging technologies and tools, current trends and future directions, benefits, values and risks. Learners analyze case studies to assess how social media impacts and influences fields, such as communication and marketing, and how it informs future trends and developments.


This course contains mandatory chat sessions.

This course is delivered in a compressed 8 week format.

Course Delivery Method:

This course is delivered Online Asynchronously. For more information on the delivery methods, click here.


  • Winter - None required

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Scheduled Dates

CRN Day Date Time Hours Location/
Delivery Method
Fee Availability
11019March 3, 2025 to April 28, 202512:00 am - 12:01 am42Monthly Intake Online$342.50
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