Perioperative Nursing – Transition to Practice and Field Placement Information

Students can complete their placement anywhere in Ontario that has a fully functional operating room.  There are affiliation agreements in place with many hospitals across the province. All the hospitals that have agreements with are listed for students within the Distance Placement Orientation Course.

Out of Province? There are also situations where student's have completed placement in another province.

We advise those students to ensure that the credential they will receive when they have completed the program (Durham College certificate) will be recognized by the hospital in the province they wish to get a job in.

For more information, about the Distance Placement Orientation course and Field Placement visit Loyalist College’s website.

The final 2 courses in the Perioperative Nursing program – NURS 5580 (Perioperative Nursing Transition Workshop) and NURS 5581 (Perioperative Nursing Field Placement) are offered through our OntarioLearn partner colleges, Lambton College and Loyalist College.

Transition to Practice

Directions for Durham College students wishing to complete the perioperative nursing field placement will be sent via email. If you have not received this information, please reach out to our team for further instructions. (

This course will be completed through one of our OntarioLearn partner colleges, Lambton College or Loyalist College.

This workshop is designed to provide the nurse with an introduction to Perioperative basic scrubbing skills prior to clinical experience with a Perioperative instructor in a simulated OR environment, prior to their clinical experience. The focus will be on the OR environment, the principles of asepsis, scrubbing, gowning, gloving, procedure set up, instrument identification, draping and sharp handling.

FAQ about Field Placement


  • Participants are to dress comfortably in scrubs. No long sleeves, as you will not be able to complete the required practical aspects of the course. Please wear comfortable, closed-toe shoes. A nursing/running shoe is preferred.
  • Bring snacks and lunch or purchase food on campus. Students must provide a photo ID.
  • Latex Allergy or Accommodations – Please inform the hosting college of any accommodation needs upon registration.