Tyler Boyco, a 2014 graduate of the Digital Video Production program in Durham College’s School of Media, Art & Design, recently drew attention from celebrities and media alike with a specially designed graphic tribute to Robin Williams. In an unexpected turn of events the image has gone viral, with Rosie O’Donnell retweeting it from her Twitter account and several media outlets reporting on it.
Depicting several of Williams’ beloved characters from Mrs. Doubtfire to Peter Pan to Patch Adams and more, the image has appeared on the Huffington Post, USAtoday.com, PtboCanada.com, Q107.com and more since Boyco tweeted it out from his Twitter account on Thursday, August 14. Boyco was also interviewed by CBC’s Ontario Morning and CHEX TV.
“I’m blown away by it to be honest,” said Boyco. “I was practicing minimalism style of art for the movie I’m trying to make and I decided I’d try it on Robin’s characters. I posted it on Facebook for feedback from friends and on Reddit for artists to let me know how I’m doing and BOOM. Rosie O’Donnell retweeted it and it went crazy.”
The recent grad who hails from Peterborough, Ontario is currently working to secure funding for his first full-length movie and has begun commissioning his artwork. A musician at heart, he’s also releasing a new solo album this year.
During his time on campus, Boyco won Best Video at the Reel Film Festival for his short film titled Sassquatch. Sassquatch and its sequel, Sassquatch 2: The Search, both screened at Toronto Digifest 2014 and XCON in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
“My experience at Durham College was great,” added Boyco. “I met a ton of great people; the professors were good, some of which I call friends now. I made some short films that won awards, which I’m now turning into a full-length musical. Riot Radio interviewed me and my band. I felt like my talents were being appreciated there. It was good!”
Prints of Boyco’s Robin Williams tribute, as well as pillows, T-shirts and cell phone cases, are now available at redbubble.com, with all proceeds going to charity.