Durham College has a number of safety programs and services in place to support and protect you.
The Campus Health and Wellness Centre supports the mental and physical health of students and employees.
Need help? Call the Campus Health Centre at 905.721.3037.
The Campus Walk service is provided by trained student teams who will, on request, accompany students, staff, faculty or visitors to their car, the residence or other campus locations on weeknights.
Members work in pairs and can be identified by their jacket and/or identification. Campus Walk operates from September to the end of April during the following hours:
- Oshawa campus: Monday to Friday – 7 to 11 p.m.
- Whitby campus: Monday to Thursday – 6:30 to 10:30 p.m.
When Campus Walk is unavailable, Campus Security can escort.
To request this service, contact Campus Security at:
- Gordon Willey building, security desk, 905.721.2000 ext. 2400 or 905.721.3211.
- In the Student Centre, speak with security personnel.
- Student Services building, security desk.
- Whitby campus, Campus Security office at 905.721.2000 ext. 4098.
Campus Walk members are employed and trained through the Durham College Work Study program (DCWorks) program and supported by the Women’s Campus Safety Grant from the Ontario Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development. For more information, contact Peter Trimble at peter.trimble@durhamcollege.ca.
General safety:
- Never risk personal injury to protect property or personal belongings.
- Never admit you are alone, either in person or on the phone; mention that someone else is present.
- Wait in well-lit areas for public transit and sit near the driver.
- Be alert to others watching you and keep your distance.
- Refuse to give your name, address or phone number to strangers, unless for legitimate purposes.
- Trust your instinct.
- If you feel at risk, take action.
Safety in Public Places:
- Avoid walking alone and using shortcuts through unfamiliar, deserted areas.
- Look confident and be aware of your surroundings when walking alone.
- Travel in well-lit areas and away from bushes, doorways and buildings.
- If you have to stay late, move your car closer to a building and by a well-lit area.
- Have your keys ready so you can enter your car or residence quickly.
- Check in and under your vehicle before entering.
- Lock your car as soon as you enter or leave it.
- Keep windows and sunroof closed.
Safety Indoors:
- Be aware of your surroundings, particularly the general campus layout, exits, rooms and offices.
- Be alert in confined spaces such as washrooms and stairwells.
- Before you leave an area, check for strangers.
- Have a friend join you if you plan to stay late.
- Be alert.
- Don’t use headsets which distract you from paying attention to your surroundings.
- Use exits closest to your mode of transportation.
- Don’t leave a purse, computer or other possessions out of your site, even for a short time; mark personal items with your initials or student number.
- Don’t give your locker combination to others, and always spin your lock past the last number.
Personal Safety:
- Be responsible.
- Know how and where to get help.
- If you’re on campus late, request an escort to your vehicle or on-campus residence through our Campus Walk service.
- Travel with crowds or with an individual you know.
- Report strange incidents or suspicious behaviour. For example, if someone is loitering near your vehicle, leave immediately and contact Campus Security.
- Trust your instinct.
- Use common sense.
Running Safety:
- Run with a friend or in a group.
- If you run alone, let someone know the time and route of your run.
- Plan your route carefully, use familiar routes and avoid poorly lit or deserted areas.
- Familiarize yourself with emergency phones, pay phones, populated areas and businesses along your route.
- Always carry ID, your medic alert ID (if applicable) and emergency cab or bus fare.
Be alert, obey traffic signs:
- Use crosswalks or traffic lights to cross the street. Never step off the curb, assuming a vehicle will stop for you.
- Be alert at the intersections.
- Be aware of accessible pedestrian signals and use them accordingly.
- If you’re using headphones, keep the volume low and only use them in one ear so sounds and signals around you can still be heard.
- Be aware of ongoing construction by checking the Notice of Service Disruption webpage
If you think you’re being followed:
- Look behind you.
- Go to the nearest well-lit, populated area.
- Vary your speed and change direction.
- Attract attention.
- Call 911.
- Report suspicious people or incidents to Campus Security at 905.721.2000 ext. 2400.
If an assault occurs:
- Call for assistance as soon as possible: 911 or Campus Security.
- Record as many identification indicators and details about the suspect as possible, as soon as possible.
Campus Security has CPR and first aid qualified staff on duty 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Security guards patrol buildings and grounds throughout the day and evening on a regular and random basis. Durham Regional Police Service also randomly patrols the campus.
For your protection, surveillance cameras are located in buildings, on the grounds and along footpaths to enhance our capabilities in crime prevention, personal and property safety, and during investigations. CCTV systems are digitally recorded and may be monitored within the Campus Security office.
Both the Whitby and Oshawa campus main entrances are open 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday to Friday and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. The campus is closed for all statutory holidays. If you need access to the campus outside of these hours, you must show identification and sign in and out at the security desk at either the Gordon Willey building or Whitby site.
The residence team makes the safety and security of DC’s students their number one priority.
Need help? Email the residence managers or call 905.728.8700 ext. 8000.
DC is committed to creating a positive space for our community members to learn, work and express themselves in an environment free from all forms of sexual violence.
Support is available to students and employees who have been impacted by sexual violence, regardless of when or where the violence took place.
Learn how we can all create a safer and more supportive space for survivors of sexual violence.
If you need help you can email the Sexual Violence Education and Prevention Coordinator or call 905-721-2000 ext. 2855
Watch the video below to learn some simple technology tips to protect the devices you use at DC.
If you need assistance with your device, you can email the IT service desk or call 905.721.3333.
Pedestrians are reminded to take extra care when travelling around campus during winter weather and conditions.
Here are a few tips to keep in mind:
Wear proper winter footwear to avoid slips and falls
Winter weather can often be unpredictable. Although the college provides timely snow removal and salt distribution to major pedestrian walkways, ramps, and entrances, students and employees should wear proper footwear with treads designed to grip icy surfaces to help avoid the possibility of slips and falls.
In rain or snow, use pedestrian walkways and avoid shortcuts on campus
During and after inclement weather, areas surrounding pedestrian walkways and entrances on campus may see the formation of snow banks, deep snow, slush or puddles. The campus community is asked to avoid taking shortcuts through these areas and to only use pedestrian walkways to avoid accidents or injury.
Report slippery conditions
If you notice an area on campus is experiencing icy or slippery conditions, please report it to the Service Desk by calling 905.721.2000 ext. 3333, option 1, or by emailing servicedesk@dc-uoit.ca.