Fine Motor Clinic

The Occupational Therapist Assistant and Physiotherapist Assistant (OTPA) program at Durham College is offering a clinic for children aged 4-10 who have difficulty with fine motor activities such as writing, eating, manipulating small objects or getting dressed. The clinic offers a fun, exciting and effective intervention for groups of children with fine motor delays. Children have the opportunity to work in a group with one-on-one assistance to improve printing, cutting, hand strength and fine-motor co-ordination.

A registered occupational therapist (OT) offers an assessment of each child during the first week to ensure your child has a therapy plan fit for them. Following the assessments, children receive weekly treatment sessions with the OTA and PTA students under the direct supervision of the OT to implement the treatment plan.


The DC Kids clinic offers fine motor intervention to groups of children with fine motor delays. This service offers an OT assessment, followed by weekly treatment sessions with the OTA and PTA students under the direct supervision of the OT to implement the treatment plan for the duration of the semester.

Services are provided free of charge, with a one-time registration fee of $30. Payment is accepted at the time of attendance only and is not required with the intake form.


Participation is for children aged four to 10 with fine motor delays who consent to and can actively participate in group treatment sessions with OTA & PTA students under the direction of an OT. Clients are screened and allocated to an appropriate treatment group. It is expected that clients will participate in all sessions.


Located at our Oshawa campus in room F127 near the Campus Health Centre.


Clinics begin each September and January and are offered on Monday and Wednesday evenings. Participants will attend only one session per week for the required weeks.


Please complete the following referral here.

Durham College Fine Motor Clinic
SW 106 Gordon Willey Bldg
2000 Simcoe St. N.
Oshawa, ON, Canada L1G 0C5

The Clinic Therapist will contact you once your referral has been received and processed. Waitlists will be maintained if demand exceeds spaces and you will be contacted and prioritized based on the date the referral was received.