Professional and Part-time Learning News Archive

Level Up Your Marketing with Social Media Skills

In the last few years, businesses have been thriving with their online presence, and social media has played a huge role in this transition as...

How to Specialize as a Mental Health Nurse?

If you are a nurse interested in specializing in mental health, Durham College offers an ideal program through its Professional and Part-Time Learning department. This...

Professional and Part-time Learning's Scholarship Winner, Gabriella
New Beginnings and Achieving Dreams: Habriella's Scholarship Story

Life often demands that we navigate through transitions, some of which can be as challenging as they are transformative. For Habriella, her move from Ukraine...

A student sitting in their living room with a laptop on their lap.
What supports are available to part-time students at Durham College?

At Durham College, our mission is to lead together, inspiring learners like you to achieve success for yourselves and your communities through innovative education. With...

Creating a Positive Learning Environment for Adult Learners

Teaching adults can be a rewarding yet challenging process. Unlike traditional classroom settings, adult education requires a more tailored approach to accommodate diverse backgrounds, experiences,...

How Settlement Workers Support Newcomers in Canada

Canada is a leader in global migration and refugee protection - In 2022, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) processed around 5.2 million applications for...

Students engage in conversation in a hallway.
What is the difference between Upskilling and Reskilling?

In this dynamic job market, continuing education is not just beneficial; it is essential. Two key strategies often discussed in professional development are upskilling and...

Empowering Growth Through Learning: Journey with DC's Professional and Part-Time Learning

Elizabeth ‘Liz’ Campbell, is a Student Advisor at Durham College. Here she shares her experience of taking a course with Professional and Part-Time Learning. In...

3 Unique Durham College Programs to Master Your Hobby

"Happy is the man who can make a living by his hobby." - George Bernard Shaw Hobbies frequently serve as avenues for personal development and...

The Importance of Fundraising Management: 3 Key Elements to Ensure Success

Fundraising management is the process of planning and developing strategies, including developing a fundraising plan, identifying potential donors, creating marketing materials and organizing events to...