Accessibility updates on campus

The Durham College (DC) Accessibility Coordinating Committee (ACC) helps ensure that accessibility updates are implemented on campus to make DC as inclusive as possible. 

In honour of National AccessAbility Week taking place May 28 to June 3, we are happy to share a number of DC’s 2022-2023 accomplishments and goals to celebrate and promote accessibility on campus: 

  • Purchased mobile charging stations for each campus. 
  • Hosted an inclusive photoshoot at Oshawa campus that showcased many of the accessibility features at DC. 
  • Updated Accessibility Tours for both campuses, including the re-implementation of bus tours at Open House events. 
  • Continue to identify and remove physical barriers on both campuses. 
  • Continue to audit software used by students and faculty to ensure Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) compliancy. 

The ACC is guided by DC’s Multi-Year Accessibility Plan, meets several times each year and includes members from across the college as well as community partners. We follow the AODA and the Integrated Accessibility Standards. The ACC will reconvene in September and continue to make each DC campus as accessible and inclusive as possible.