The First Peoples Indigenous Centre, formerly known as the Aboriginal Student Centre, was created as a place for Indigenous students to feel at home and supported by community. In October 2011, the Aboriginal Student Centre opened its doors in the Simcoe building, and was gifted with the Anishinaabemowin name Suswaaning Endaajig, "a nest away from home," by Elder and Traditional Knowledge Keeper Gerard Sagassige. On October 2, 2018, the Aboriginal Student Centre moved into its new home, the First Peoples Indigenous Centre, in the Centre for Collaborative Education.
The Medicine Wheel
- The First Peoples Indigenous Centre (FPIC) offers a culturally recognizable and inviting environment for Indigenous learners
- Materials for Indigenous crafts are available to make items such as: dream catchers, Medicine Wheels and beading
- A quiet study space along and laptop computers are available
- A variety of board and card games are available for use
- Students will have the opportunity to make traditional hand drums and learn about the teachings of the drum
- Sewing machines and materials are available to make medicine bags and regalia
- Staff members work with students to identify and address a wide variety of barriers and advocate on behalf of students both on campus and within the community
- The common room is a great space for socializing, studying, relaxing and engaging in cultural activities
- A variety of Indigenous resources (DVDs, books, CDs) are available
- Cultural workshops are provided
- Indigenous students are welcome to the FPIC and encouraged to utilize the space as their own
- Indigenous Coaches are available to support students through one-on-one appointments to help students with academic or personal challenges and/or make referrals to on campus and community resources
- Traditional Elders are available at the FPIC for private one-on-one counselling
- Traditional teachings are held throughout the year
- The Traditional Medicines (Sage, Sweetgrass, Cedar and Tobacco) are available for use Traditional events and Ceremonies are facilitated throughout the academic year
- Full Moon Ceremonies are conducted monthly
First Peoples Indigenous Centre events
Contact us
Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Email indigenous@durhamcollege.ca to inquire.