International Holocaust Remembrance Day – Honouring Lives Lost

This message is sent on behalf of Nikki Samuel, director, Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.

Today, Durham College (DC) joins institutions across the world to acknowledge International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which marks the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi death camp, in 1945. 

This day commemorates the six million Jewish victims and honours millions of other survivors of Nazism. It allows us to reflect on how we can influence the prevention of future genocides. 

Nearly 80 years later, antisemitism continues, resulting in hate and violence that has no place in Canadian society. Therefore, we encourage you to join the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and the larger DC community and stand together against ongoing acts of antisemitism and help create a safe and inclusive society for members of the Jewish community.  

The following resources are available to learn more: