Sexual Violence First Aid Training for students now available

This message is being sent on behalf of Nikki Samuel, director, Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. Please direct inquiries to Tyler Creces, sexual violence educator and support co-ordinator, Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.

In light of recent media stories about incidences at some post-secondary campuses, Durham College (DC) remains committed to addressing sexual violence and maintaining a safe and supportive environment for the DC community.

Over the last year, the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion has been collaborating with its community partner, the Durham Rape Crisis Centre, to create a Sexual Violence First Aid Training course for students.

This course has been designed to educate students about the impacts of sexual violence, as well as how to support a survivor. Participants will learn about trauma-informed approaches and will be provided with helpful tools and resources. Upon completion of the training, participants will be able to:

  • Identify sexual violence in its variety of forms (i.e. acts of sexual violence, impacts on survivors, substance use, consent, human trafficking, etc.).
  • Increase their awareness of the myths and misconceptions regarding sexual violence and it’s impacts on survivors.
  • Learn how to respond and communicate with a survivor.
  • Gain relevant skills to address and respond to a disclosure of sexual violence.
  • Improve knowledge of relevant supports, resources, reporting options and safety planning tools.

To register, log in to DC Connect and open the Sexual Violence First Aid Training module located under the self-registration tab.

Students are reminded that resources are available online to all members of the DC community who have been impacted by sexual violence, regardless of when or where the violence took place. If you need assistance, please contact the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion at