Good Friday
Observed by Christians around the world, Good Friday is a day of mourning, reflection and prayer about the death of Jesus Christ. A fundamental tenet of Christianity, Good Friday occurs two days before Easter Sunday. Good Friday is oftentimes observed to be a more important religious holiday than Christmas, since it is the ultimate proof that Jesus is the son of God. On Good Friday, some Christians may attend church services, partake in partial fasts, or enjoy the traditional treat, Hot cross buns.
Durham College (DC) is committed to providing an inclusive and respectful learning and working environment. Here are some resources on and off campus to help us learn more about Good Friday and Christianity, as well as our rights and responsibilities in creating a campus community free of harassment, discrimination and hate:
Internal Durham College Sources:
1. Harassment, Workplace Sexual Harassment/Misconduct and Discrimination Policy: (https://www.durhamcollege.ca/wp-content/uploads/harassment-and-discrimination-policy.pdf)
External Sources:
1. Religion and Human Rights (https://www.ohrc.on.ca/en/religious-rights-fact-sheet#:~:text=Religion%20and%20Human%20Rights,respect%2C%20regardless%20of%20their%20religion)
2. Key Holidays in Christianity: (https://www.diversityresources.com/christian-holy-days/)