Kerri-Ann Williams has had a unique and diverse career. From quality assurance in the food processing industry to the Jamaican military and private security management, she’s seemingly done it all. After moving to Canada to be with her husband, Kerri-Ann took an analytical approach to deciding her next career move.
“I did a thorough examination of the Canadian job market and realized that both health care and technology are quickly growing fields. I decided to enroll in the Biomedical Engineering Technology program at Durham College because it presented the perfect opportunity to combine both fields.”
After working in an entry-level position as a technician post-graduation and taking some time off to grieve after the sudden passing of her mother, Kerri-Ann was set on finding a more challenging and stimulating role that could help her make a difference. She decided that the time was right to explore her field from a business management perspective rather than as a hands-on technologist, and soon Delbow Medical Sales was born.
Named after her mother, Kerri-Ann’s new business is growing quickly thanks to a few strategic business relationships she has forged in the industry, and provides component level biomedical depot repair services for health-care facilities in Canada and also in the Caribbean.
“We’re providing affordable and reliable medical device repairs in the Caribbean region where this service has been difficult to access and prohibitive based on cost,” she explains. “Being able to offer much needed support in this area is especially meaningful for me, as it was my home for so many years.”
While Kerri-Ann continues to build her business as managing director of Delbow Medical Sales, she also works as a clinical project manager for BrainFX Inc., where she is currently overseeing a project that seeks to develop a novel cognitive assessment tool that will provide effective roadside detection of cannabis impairment.
“The tool my team is developing, if validated and widely accepted, will contribute substantively to keeping our roads safe in
this post-cannabis legalization environment,” she says.
While it’s only been a few years since returning to school and changing the direction of her career, Kerri-Ann has seen incredible success and is excited about her future. She has since gone on to complete her Masters in Business Administration and has received her Project Management Professional certification. She is also currently pursuing doctoral studies in business management.
“When I think about the future, my plans are simply to keep learning, keep seeking new challenges and to apply my knowledge in constructive and meaningful ways. The sky’s the limit!”