About this class

PAMELA POST is an award-winning radio, TV & film storyteller, creative writer, journalist, broadcaster and educator based in Vancouver in beautiful Coast Salish territory. She is Ts’msyen and German-Canadian, well-known as a news reporter and documentarian with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

Pamela is currently producing her latest one-hour documentary: A Tale of Two Metlakatlas: my Matriarchs, the Missionaries and Me for CBC Radio’s IDEAS (airdate: early 2023) which was preceded by her earlier IDEAS documentary Passaggio (airdate: Dec. 20, 2021) – a story of transition, identity and love that followed her son’s gender transition through a mother-son, musical and Indigenous lens.

She has recently branched into film and in January 2022 was awarded a major Canada Council for the Arts Grant, under the Indigenous Arts Creating, Knowing and Sharing stream preceded by a  First Peoples Cultural Council Individual Artists grant in 2021, to continue development of her short animated film Haboolm Ksinaalgat (SOUL CATCHER) in the NFB/CBC short film tradition, based on Ts’msyen pre-and-post-contact history, inspired by the adaawx (stories) her nagwaadu (father) told her.

Pamela has had a long career as a CBC News reporter in both Toronto and Vancouver, winning many awards and fellowships for her often social-justice-themed reporting. She is still a regular contract network CBC radio documentary producer.

Radio docs are a great passion of hers, whether it’s telling stories of Indigenous language loss and revitalization; Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two Spirit people; gender discrimination and sexual harassment against women in firefighting, the construction trades, police and military; investigating organ transplant scandals; covering visits of the Dalai Lama or the National Event of the Truth & Reconciliation Commission in Vancouver; inviting listeners along on her 10 weeks in ukulele school or one woman’s powerful divorce ritual – Pamela loves to spin audio yarns into gold. She’s also a creative writer, having written an opera libretto and has worked in television and documentary film for CBC. She has twice been shortlisted for the prestigious Atkinson Fellowship in Public Policy Journalism for her research on Indigenous issues and mental health. She recently worked with Ts’msyen youth at the K-12 band school in her traditional village of Kitsumkalum on a podcast/short.



Pamela Post, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

PAMELA POST is an award-winning radio, TV & film storyteller, creative writer, journalist, broad...