I ♥ DC because…

I love Durham College because it supplies you with a wide variety of extracurricular activities, facilities and events that you are able to attend. Durham College has many clubs and sports teams from the Cheese Club to the Basket Ball team.

There are constantly events going on around the Campus that you are able to participate in for free to make your College experience as fun as it could be. Durham College has many useful facilities such as its beautiful library that is excellent for studying in or doing your homework.

The library has group study rooms, computers, personal work “cubbies” and much more to support Durham’s students and their studies. The College has a great fitness center called the Flex where you are able to take numerous types of classes and work-out in the gym which I personally use a lot in between classes with my fellow class mates.

There is also an on campus Doctor’s office where you can get massages and receive medical assistance. Durham provides a variety of different places to eat to suit everyone’s diverse tastes in food and to hang out with your friends. Durham even has a Pub style restaurant on campus called E.P. Taylors where you can play pool and order from its delicious menu.

The Pub also holds many events and theme nights for the student’s. Above all, I, being a member of the DC Crew at Durham College (leadership program) is the thing I love most about Durham College. This is a program that recognizes excelling student’s and offers them the opportunity to make a difference at the College.

Through this program fellow DC Crew members and I work together to plan events, provide supports for international students and organize Durham College’s annual Orientation week. I love that Durham College takes students input to provide the best services possibly for the students, for it shows Durham’s drive to make College the best experience for student’s, while providing them supports as needed.

Check out Durham’s first Flash Mob at the Student Service Building’s Opening Ceremony that I did with members of the DC Crew http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTtNsya4UJI

Nicole Hanko

Child and Youth Worker