A web-lift is in order for the Durham College and UOIT Your Student Association

Screenshot of the Student Association website

This is what the familiar Your Student Association website currently looks like. Fresh colours and new features will be added and the site is expected to be up and running by September.

The Your Student Association (SA) of Durham College and the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) is teaming up with the Student Centre to redesign the current SA website. The new site will feature online ticket sales, event registration, a portal for student clubs and more, giving students a more convenient way of connecting with the college and its services.

Currently, there are three separate sites for the campus pub – E.P. Taylor’s Pub and Restaurant, the Student Centre and the SA. This new website will combine everything together as a central space for complete access. SA president, Anthony Boland is excited for the facelift and is looking forward to an increase in student traffic come September. “It’s time for something new,” said Boland. “The current SA website doesn’t meet students needs.”

The new website will also feature an Iphone application that any Iphone user can download to provide them with access to event information and updates. There is no application for Blackberry’s as of yet, but that’s being looked into.

All logos will remain the same but the current website is being revamped with fresh, vibrant colours and a new intuitive look that’s easier for students to navigate services, clubs and agendas. “While our campus is expanding physically, we need to expand our online presence as well,” said Boland. “Social media is at-large now and we’re integrating that into the new site.”

The new site will also be used as a marketing tool to reach out to students and inform them of the current and new services coming to campus such as legal aid and the bike depot.