Durham College welcomes Lisa Shepard as dean, International Education

Durham College (DC) is pleased to announce that Lisa Shepard will join DC as dean, International Education, effective Monday, July 23.

Lisa brings 13 years of experience in post-secondary education to the college, including 10 years in enrolment and international leadership. She has extensive experience successfully leading international education initiatives globally, including oversight for international recruitment and enrolment, education abroad, overseas curriculum delivery and international and intercultural student support services.

In her most recent position with Saskatchewan Polytechnic (Sask Polytech) as director, Strategic Enrolment and International Education, Lisa held responsibility for a diverse portfolio that included leading international education revenue-generating strategic partnerships, international relations and building the institution’s brand globally in priority markets across China, India, Southeast Asia and Latin America. She also developed, operationalized and executed Sask Polytech’s first International Student Enrolment Strategy, emphasizing market diversification, education abroad opportunities for students and faculty, and full student lifecycle supports.

Prior to joining Sask Polytech, Lisa held several management and technical positions with the University of Saskatchewan in which she focused on international student recruitment and admissions, business performance, client service, information management, and international strategic partnership building.

Lisa holds both a Bachelor of Law and Bachelor of Arts, Honours English from the University of New Brunswick.