Ministry of Research and Innovation launches new Regional Innovation Centre during visit to Durham College

Glen Murray, minister of Research and Innovation, announced the launch of Innovation Durham Northumberland, a new Regional Innovation Centre housed under the Ontario Network for Excellence, at an event held at Durham College’s Integrated Manufacturing Centre on December 16.

January 10, 2011

Potential entrepreneurs looking to open their businesses in Durham Region now have access to strong government support thanks to an announcement made by the Ministry of Research and Innovation (MRI) at an event held at Durham College’s Integrated Manufacturing Centre on December 16.

Glen Murray, minister of Research and Innovation, was joined by students, faculty and staff from Durham College and the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT); community members; and local business representatives as he announced the launch of Innovation Durham Northumberland (IDN), a new Regional Innovation Centre housed under the Ontario Network for Excellence (ONE), including an initial funding investment of $260,000 annually for a minimum period of three years.

ONE is a province-wide network, designed and developed by MRI, which provides support and mentoring for entrepreneurs and businesses wishing to expand globally. The new IDN will link entrepreneurs together, allowing them to share resources and ideas while keeping costs at a minimum.

“The strength of Ontario’s creative environment, diverse culture, highly skilled workforce, world-class education system, internationally recognized research community and proven entrepreneurs is second to none,” said Murray. “ONE links these talents together across the province to ensure all great ideas have the opportunity to flourish – creating jobs and improving our lives now and in the future.”

Under ONE, entrepreneurs and small businesses in Durham Region collaborate and share ideas with their counterparts across the province. The new IDN will provide post-secondary institutions, pre-existing businesses and entrepreneurs with access to expert advice and best business practices, regardless of what stage their idea or business is at.

The facilities for the new IDN will be housed at the shared Durham College and UOIT campus, at Durham College’s Whitby campus and at the Northumberland Manufacturers’ Association in Cobourg, Ont.

For more information on the announcement, please visit the MRI website at