Studying abroad opportunities in Ireland

The Irish Institutes of Technology visited Durham College (DC) on February 10 to showcase a new pathways agreement with DC which offers students the opportunity to complete an honours degree program in Ireland.

This initiative, led by Enterprise Ireland, aims to increase the number of Canadian students studying in Ireland to assist in the entrepreneurial growth of the island nation. As well, the agreement adds to the more than 450 pathway to degree options already offered to DC students.

Students who missed the first information session will have a second chance to learn about this exciting opportunity on Wednesday, February 26 with a free, online webinar at 4 p.m. Along with learning about the chance to study abroad, students will hear from current and recently returning Canadian students who will highlight the high quality education options and unique culture found there. As well, all students who partake in the webinar will be entered for a chance to win a trip for two to Dublin, Ireland.

Registration for the webinar is available by visiting the Education in Ireland site.