Durham College’s Board of Governors is pleased to announce that Ron Chatterton will serve as its chair, effective Monday, July 1, 2013 through to Monday, June 30, 2014.
The chair assists the president in securing strategic partnerships and college funding essential to its operation and advancement; supports and advises the president through collegial partnership; fosters teamwork among board members; presides over executive and board meetings; and communicates board-stated positions and decisions.
Chatterton is the director of Refurbishment Support in the nuclear power plant refurbishment sector of Atlantic Nuclear Services Inc. Previously he was an operations manager with Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (AECL), supporting the development of its new reactor designs and prior to joining AECL worked at Ontario Hydro as an authorized control room operator at the Bruce Nuclear Generating Station ‘A’. He also spent two years at the Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant in Romania where he assisted and trained Romanian staff about placing power plant systems into initial service and worked at Ontario Power Generation, holding manager positions in Operations, Outage and Maintenance at the Darlington and Pickering ‘B’ Nuclear Power Plants.
In addition to the appointment of Chatterton to chair of the board, Pierre Tremblay will serve as vice-chair, also effective July 1, 2013 through to June 30, 2014.
The vice-chair assists the chair in his or her role and shares the responsibilities of the standing committee meetings and any special events. Tremblay is a well-respected and dedicated leader in the Canadian Nuclear industry who was most recently appointed deputy chief nuclear officer and executive vice-president, Canadian Nuclear Partners, OPG. A Canadian Nuclear business veteran, his extensive career at OPG has spanned over 35 years.