DC journalism students lead the way at Better Newspaper Competition Awards

Durham College (DC) students and alumni from the Journalism – Mass Media program triumphed at this year’s Ontario Community Newspaper Association’s (OCNA) Better Newspapers Competition.

Every year, the member newspapers of OCNA compete for a chance to have their journalism work recognized as exemplary.

For the third consecutive year, DC’s student-produced newspaper, The Chronicle, has taken home first place in the General Excellence – College/University category. In recent years, the Chronicle has been praised for its fine photography and layout, as well as its ongoing professionalism, gripping storytelling skills and superb editorial work. The Chronicle also scored honourable mentions in the Best College/University Newspaper Website category.

DC students also enjoyed individual success at this year’s competition. Allaya Sue and Shaun McLeod, graduates of the Journalism – Mass Media program, took home first and third respectively in the Student Feature Writing category. The awards also recognized DC alumnus Chad Ingram, who placed second in the Premier Awards – Best Editorial, circulation under 9,999 category, writing for the Minden Times.

Congratulations to DC’s Journalism – Mass Media students, alumni and faculty for this well-earned celebration of their dedication and hard work.