Durham College named one of Canada's top social colleges

Durham College (DC) was recently named one of the top social Canadian colleges by MediaMiser, a leading provider of media monitoring and analysis. By tracking social media metrics such as Twitter and Facebook mentions, page activity, likes, followers, and retweets, MediaMiser was able to compile a list of which Canadian colleges rank as the best in the country for using social networks as a strong means of communication.

After the metrics were tabulated for all colleges in Canada, DC finished in the top ten in  several categories including social media mentions. As well, DC ranked high in a number of influencer categories including influence based on total twitter followers (approximately 8,400), total retweets (approximately 1,109), and retweet reach which DC ranked third in the country for with an approximate reach of 924,443.

Click here to see the full listing of MediaMiser’s rankings and make sure to follow Durham College on Twitter and like DC on Facebook to stay up-to-date with one of Canada’s top social colleges.