Over a period of six decades, Kenneth Jenkins has taken a number of Continuing Education classes at Durham College to support his career goals and in some cases, just because the topic interested him on a personal level.
“Initially I enrolled to expand my opportunities, to move ahead in the company I worked for and to expand my qualifications in the job market,” said Jenkins. “I realized much of what I was taking was enlightening, rewarding and enjoyable for life outside my job.”
One particular area that interested Jenkins was a French language course, which ultimately proved to be difficult for him due to the onset of severely deteriorated hearing. Although he successfully completed the course, Jenkins resigned himself to the possibility that it could be his last opportunity for enrolment in a continuing education program.
Rather than give up on his journey of learning, Jenkins decided to try a new approach by taking advantage of one of the many online courses offered at Durham College.
“I decided to try online learning and enrolled in a Political Geography course,” he said. “Online courses have expanded the opportunities for me to continue learning.”
Although he was intimidated by the technology, Jenkins found that he was able to quickly adjust and succeed in the class due to the academic and technical supports provided to him at the college.
“I felt somewhat apprehensive coping with this new learning venue,” he said. “But the availability of online assistance and the quality of technical support I received helped me to overcome my apprehensions and I was able to enjoy the course.”
Jenkins continues to be impressed with Durham College and the diversity of its curriculum and delivery methods.
“DC has expanded its curriculum over time, there are many courses available to satisfy ones interest or to stimulate new interests,” he said. “The courses I’ve taken have exceeded my expectations.”