Media Archive

Senior experienced leaders assume roles of chair and vice-chair of Durham College Board of Governors

Oshawa, ON – The Durham College (DC) Board of Governors (BOG) is pleased to announce Michele James as the new board chair and Kristi Honey as vice-chair, respectively, effective Monday, July...

Durham College launches 2020-2023 Strategic Plan

Bold new mission statement speaks to the college’s reinvention of the student experience  Oshawa, Ont. – Durham College (DC) is proud to unveil its 2020-2023...

Durham College receives funding supporting Artificial Intelligence advisory services for businesses

Oshawa, Ont. – Durham College (DC) is pleased to announce that its Hub for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence for Business Solutions (the AI Hub)...

Durham College to offer hybrid program delivery for its fall semester programs

Some programs will be offered fully remote, others will combine face-to-face and online delivery Oshawa, Ont. – Following Minister of Education, Stephen Lecce’s announcement yesterday...

Durham College receives more than $1 million in applied research funding

Grants will support three unique research projects aimed at solving local social challenges Oshawa, Ont. – Durham College (DC) is pleased to announce that its...

ORSIE wins bronze in 2020 CICan Awards of Excellence

A decade of leadership and achievement draws honours in Applied Research and Innovation category Oshawa, Ont. –Durham College (DC) is pleased to announce that its...

Durham College begins construction on new women’s softball facility

Facility will include capacity for 400 guests, a press box, team dugouts and more Oshawa, Ont. – Durham College (DC) and its Athletics department are...

Durham College President Don Lovisa’s contract extended for a fourth term

Oshawa, Ont. – Durham College (DC) is pleased to announce that President Don Lovisa’s contract has been extended for a fourth term. He will remain...

Durham College offering $1.5 million in bursaries to help students during COVID-19

The emergency funding will help address a portion of the financial burden students are facing Oshawa, Ont. – In response to the financial burden facing...

Durham College puts 3D printers into action creating PPE for frontline workers facing COVID-19

Students, employees and alumni are producing up to 150 face shield parts daily for donation Oshawa, Ont. – Working out of their garages and basements,...