Access and Support Centre
Durham College recognizes the importance of inclusive learning environments designed for diverse learners. The Access and Support Centre (ASC) at Durham College works with...
Whether you want to unwind after a long day of classes or are simply looking to work up a sweat, the Campus Recreation and...
Campus Health and Wellness Centre
All students have access to confidential and comprehensive services at the Campus Health and Wellness Centre. Our team consists of physicians, nurses, mental health...
Career Development
The Career Development Office is the gateway to all things career-related at Durham College. Whether you’re a future student, current student, alumni, employer or...
Co-operative Education (co-op)
What is Co-operative Education? Co-operative education (co-op) is a model of education that formally integrates a student’s academic learning with workplace learning in fields...
Durham College Student Association
Durham College Students Inc. is a service-based association that puts students’ needs at the forefront, and provides quality campus engagement for every full-time student.
Financial Aid and Awards
The Financial Aid and Awards office is here to assist you in exploring the financial options available to you as a post-secondary student.
First Peoples Indigenous Centre
Durham College’s First Peoples Indigenous Centre (FPIC) utilizes a holistic approach to education serving Indigenous students focusing on their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual...
IT Services
IT Services provides services to the students, faculty and staff of both Durham College and Ontario Tech University. We are committed to providing the...
Durham College provides library services at both the Oshawa and Whitby campuses. The Oshawa campus library provides approximately 600 study spaces available on a...
Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
The Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (OEDI) envisions a community of people who know and responsibly use our unique sphere of influence to...
Office of the Registrar
The Office of the Registrar plays a key role in the delivery of a wide variety of services to prospective students, applicants, registered students,...
Outreach Services
Outreach Services provides a positive, inclusive space focused on equality, equity and diversity within the campus community and beyond.
Rights and Responsibilities
Campus Safety The Office of Campus Safety is committed to protecting the rights of everyone on campus while promoting a professional, respectful and safe...
RISE @Durham College
Reach. Include. Support. Elevate
RISE aims to provide services and supports to ensure all learners achieve their full potential for post-secondary success....
Sexual Violence Awareness
Durham College is committed to creating a positive space for our community members to learn, work and express themselves in an environment free from...
Social Media Hub
Meet the Social Media Ambassadors and connect with Durham College.
Student Academic Learning Services (SALS)
Student Academic Learning Services (SALS) is here to help students reach their academic goals. Watch the videos and browse our website for an overview...
Student Advisors
Durham College is committed to student success. Academic advising is a comprehensive service that is aimed to guide students through their college experience. Student...
Student Development office
DC’s Student Development Office is dedicated to making all students feel welcome and supported on campus. We offer a wide range of programs and...
Where to Eat at DC
Whether you’re looking for a full meal or a quick snack, Durham College has dining options to tempt your taste buds. Enjoy meals in...