I am enjoying meeting new people and being able to have positive impacts on my community

Working along side the fantastic and optimistic group of individuals to help take care of the community’s loved ones, while battling COVID-19.

Knowing that even with major shutdowns, everyone can still have access to sanitation.

The best defense again any illness is a heathy immune system, it will even keep one healthy through COVID -19. Being healthy to support my co-workers and our interdisciplinary team during this crisis is very important to me. Thanks to the Creator God for health and strength to persevere during these trying times. Huge thanks to my co-workers. My prayers are with you all at Durham College for you have helped to shape who I am. Thanks for this opportunity to participate in Durham College community.

Working with my colleagues and collaborating together to provide the best practices for all patients. We are all in this together, and knowing you have the support and stepping up to the plate is what I find most satisfying!

Working with the youth in our community through Girl Guides of Canada to keep our programs for girls running to support their need for normalcy, some stability and social interactions with friends during this time has made me appreciate children at this time. They have helped me more than they know too! Our youth, especially our young girls are strong and resilient.

I enjoy helping those who are vulnerable during a time like this to be able to have someone support them.

I was a graduate of the Practical Nursing program and I went on to get my BScN from Ryerson University. I currently work at a downtown Toronto hospital where my unit was reassigned to take care of surgical patients under investigation for COVID. What has inspired me is how me and my colleagues have come together to support each other during these crazy times! With policy changes every day it has certainly helped that we are there for each other!

As a Critical Care nurse on the Rapid Response/SWAT team in Detroit Michigan we were seeing patients in all floors as they deteriorated needing intubation and life saving measures. Most rewarding work I have done in the 25+ years I have been a nurse!

I graduated from the practical nursing program October 2019. After receiving my license in January 2020, I applied to many places and got accepted at a local Long term Care facility here in Oshawa. Started off my training and orientation and once I was finished that, we were right in the middle of the pandemic. I never thought that once I became a nurse, that I would get a job so quickly and on top of that, I would be working through a global pandemic . We went on an outbreak and I made the decision to choose that location to work at solely due to the fact of only being able to work at one facility/job at a time. That was a difficult decision, as I also was employed at a retirement home. I stepped up, accepted a part time nights line and dove into the work head first. I will say that most nights have been challenging but the team I work with have been fantastic at helping me transition from new employee to a regular face they see most nights. To thank my coworkers for all their hard work and hospitality, my aunt made masks and scrub caps to help keep us looking cool and staying safe and I handed out over 75 to the staff at my facility. At this location we have 175 residents, some more independent than others and most needing full time care. During this time, I’ve been working full time hours, picking up shifts and trying my hardest to bring smiles to the resident’s faces. Many of them have shared their worries of what the world is going to look like once the curve has been flattened and how they wish they could have their family members in the facility. Unfortunately at this time, we have refrained from allowing family members to come in, so we, as the staff have become that friendly, familiar face for them to rely on. I can understand what the residents are going through as I have not seen my family/loved ones other than my father (as I live with him). I share that with the them in hopes of knowing that they’re not alone in feeling isolated away. These are scary times and I was so nervous starting this new job, especially during a worldwide pandemic, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I am extremely proud of myself for taking the practical nursing program, graduating and being able to achieve goals this quickly, even in the middle of a pandemic. We truly are frontline heroes and I am glad to do my part every day (or night).

I am serving law enforcement solving cybercrimes in India with the skills and techniques taught in Durham College. I did my postgraduate certification on information security it helped me a lot.

Many Addiction and Mental Health agencies were forced to close their doors during the Pandemic, which left an already vulnerable population more at risk. As an Addiction Counsellor and Crisis Support Worker, I’m blessed to work for two agencies that continued to find solutions to keep their doors open.

I have been able to work as a personal support worker during this time, which has been an honour to me. The best part about it is knowing I’m doing something that will make my daughter proud. Going to work and assisting the residents through kindness and dedication gives them a little hope through this trying time.

I assist elderly clients with the Activities of Daily Living that they are unable to do for themselves and without which, would reduce their standard of living. I do this by going to the clients' home or Retirement Residence. I know that the families appreciate me being there for their parents, during this crisis, when they are not able to visit. Even though I am grateful none of my clients have been affected by the virus, I was delighted when the legally blind spouse of my client, using two magnifying glasses together, was able to see the picture I had captured of a chalk drawing done by a resident's family member, wishing their mother Happy Mother's Day. Her joy at seeing it made my Mother’s Day.

The greatest satisfaction is the comment from the patient when you arrive on scene - 'oh, thank god you are here’. It is knowing that someone is having the worst day of their life and you are doing something to try and make that better.

Helping people, especially the elderly, gives me a feeling of satisfaction. My aim is to leave them better than I find them and it's a joy to put a smile on their faces.

I took PSW and MHA at DC. Currently, I am working with youth living with autism. They usually present aggressive behaviours and my job is to support them in a way that the behaviour occurrence reduces. The greatest satisfaction working as a frontline worker is that I can make a difference in those people's routine. Despite all the challenging situations we have been facing I am doing my best to address and support my client's needs. I come to work to keep those people safe from harming themselves and others by creating a variety of activities and tasks to keep them preoccupied and happy during that stressful and challenging time. Providing them with a high quality of service, genuine care and attention that they deserve. I am so proud of being a frontline worker. Love my job!

Hello, I hope people are safe and healthy in this COVID-19 situation. I work as a security officer with Paragon security and I feel proud to give my best for humanity during the pandemic situation. It's always great and helpful to others as well as for myself to be the friendly neighbourhood person who helps others in their bad situation. I feel happy while working and helping others who are in need of help. Stay home, stay safe.

Always being that person that's there for others, I love helping people.

I currently work in a Medical/Surgical ICU which at one point, had the highest COVID-19 cases in all of Ontario. My greatest satisfaction from working on the frontlines, is to be able to care for those who are very sick and seeing them recover and be able to go home to their loved ones. There is no greater satisfaction to me as a nurse than seeing a patient that was almost at death's door to be able to return to their loved ones and their lives. I work alongside very dedicated individuals who work tirelessly day and night, to ensure the best possible outcomes for all of those they care for. Knowing that I had a part in ensuring the recovery and survival of those I care for, is the my greatest satisfaction.

Working the frontlines is tough, but knowing I am making a difference, however small it may be, feels really good. I am currently on my path to becoming a nurse, and my current exposure as a hospital employee will only serve to prepare more for future health crises.

I am nominating Caitlyn for her amazing dedication to her job and the residents at her Nursing home as a PSW and Nursing student during this scary Covid19 pandemic. Due to her commitment to ensure her family remained safe, and to help with the numerous staff who weren't able to work, Caitlyn lived in a hotel, all alone, for almost 1.5 months. She showed what true strength and bravery look like as she also ended up fighting Covid19 herself and got through with determination, grace and the knowledge she gained while also currently enrolled in an intense Nursing program. She is a great friend, a hard worker and a gift to those she helped save and care for! Hats off to you Caitlyn!!!

Love being there for the PT's and families struggling with the diagnosis of COVID, or struggling with quarantine. They trust us and our advice! Love being on that side.

Doing temperature checks on employees entering in the Sobeys warehouse in Whitby. Assisting employees to follow guidelines of social distancing

Being able to keep Bell Canada's infrastructure going and to connect new communities in rural areas. I work for Telecon Group and I'm on a small travelling crew that goes to rural and remote areas of Ontario to splice, repair and maintain Bell's fibre infrastructure and communication equipment.

Seeing positive outcomes for those wih a mental health diagnosis recovering from COVID 19.

I was hired to work as a Physiotherapy Assistant at Hope Street Long Term Care in Port Hope. I provide therapy for about 30 residents to maintain their strength and balance to prevent falls and reduce the risk of physical decline. My job has become increasingly important not only on a physical level but also for the mental health of the residents as they are not able to leave the building due to LTC quarantine status during the pandemic. In the outside world you are not allowed to touch another human being who is not part of your immediate family. Here it is my job to do so and alongside my fellow healthcare professionals we are able to maintain a certain quality of life for our residents even in the most trying of times. To date we have zero Covid 19 cases and I'm confident that will continue.

Being able to protect the senior residents by carefully preparing food that is not contaminated with Covid-19 and making them feel that we are here for them despite the danger to ourselves and to our loved-ones.

I am a Nurse at Lakeridge Health Oshawa on the cardiology unit. I graduated from Durham College in 2019. I only got to work the front lines during the beginning of the pandemic as I contracted COVID-19 from a patient in March. My greatest satisfaction through all of this was the endless support I received from all my fellow nurses and colleagues and seeing the community come together to do their part in flattening the curve. I will be returning to work with an entirely new outlook and prouder than ever of the nursing profession.

Working in the community and being available to service patients during this time has been so rewarding. We realize that people still need medications, well-baby checks and immunizations, and other illnesses are happening through this pandemic. We are here for them through it all!

I work in a food safety laboratory. I feel pleased to wake up each day and go to work knowing that if we don’t test, Canadians out there won’t be able to rest. I feel I’m playing a very small yet crucial role fighting this pandemic and providing relief to consumers.

It gives me great gratification to help as a PSW at long term care homes that need help during this time, while I wait for my practical nursing placement to resume.

I screen the staff and essential visitors entering and leaving the LTC facility. I get to compliment the staff on their dedicated work. I also add a bit of humour to brighten their work day.

I am proud of myself for making this contribution by working at a Long Term Care home and helping the community in need.

I am starting my 2nd year in the Practical Nursing program. I have worked as a personal support worker in a long-term care home in Oshawa for over 5 years. The home I work at was hit by COVID-19. In the beginning, every single one of my coworkers worked long, difficult hours because of being short staffed and put forth the most effort with fear and uncertainty. I am proud to work on the front lines and hope everyone stays safe during this time.

I would like to nominate the 24 Primary Care Paramedic program graduates who have begun working as paramedics this week. Most paramedics can recall the trepidation and anxiety that accompanied their first shift on the road. When combined with a global pandemic, our recent graduates are faced with additional unique challenges as they enter their new careers. Paramedics are now at higher risk of becoming ill, brining home illness, or requiring to isolate from loved ones, and are faced with greater stressors as they attempt to provide high levels of patient care. Despite the risks, our graduates have eagerly accepted the call to assist their communities. By accepting the call to service, these graduates have not only shown their preparedness for their career, but that they possess the courage, strength, and community mindedness required to make a difference during these challenging times. These graduates will bring a refreshed attitude to a tired front line; I am confident that each will make a lasting positive impact on their community, paramedic service, and peers as they enter service. I have included a list of names of those graduates: Usaamah, Desmond, Kiera, Jenna, Caroline, Stacy, Aaron, Anthony, Trent, Jacob, Eugene, Joshua, Andrew, Conor, Lindsay, Lea, Summer, Purushotman, Emily, Amanda, Kevin, Nicholas, Shae-Lynn, and Jessica.

As a DSW and as an entrepreneur, my role has been to ensure the safety, food security, mental health, and helping each person I work with know that they know they are not alone in this pandemic. I have been a listening ear in their decision process. I have helped them to understand just what is happening, and how they can keep themselves safe. When the different levels of government make announcements helping the individuals to know how those announcements will impact them directly. My role has changed for the time being. Usually I would be facilitating community involvement but for now my role is to help each individual feel that they have meaningful information and to feel safe and secure.

Keeping good faith in humanity and its power to overcome its fears. I keep working during the tough times, travelling by public transportation in rush-hour to work and provide people with essential goods by working at Walmart. My story doesn’t tell much but it definitely gives me the hope and satisfaction that I’ve worked for the community and the people in my city.

I graduated from the SSW program in 2010. With eight months of work placement experience and my brand new diploma, I was ready to jump in! More than ten years later and I'm still on the front lines, right where my passion takes me. While the SSW program prepared us for many scenarios in the social work field, a global pandemic couldn't have been predicted. I've been fortunate to work in a few different capacities within the social work field and have grown, ebbed and flowed with this important work. I've enclosed a picture of myself from work last week (at the same women's shelter I did my placement at, 12 years later)! Thank you Durham College for changing my life and those I support! PS. both my adult kids are DC students, 1 alum and 1 will be finishing her last year!

I work as a deaf blind intervenor in a group home, helping people with disabilities effectively communicate in their daily lives; as well as medication administration , activities of daily living, sign language teaching and helping them find meaningful activities and hobbies while explaining what’s going on in the world today.

Perhaps the greatest satisfaction working on the frontlines is working with the men and women of the Cobourg Fire Department. Working as a team to help others and keep ourselves safe has been most rewarding.

I love to interact with children using technology and that keep me in touch with my little ones. We have to remember that we are all together during this pandemic.

Since the COVID pandemic, our hospital has turned our ICU into the COVID ICU. Since then we admitted a few cases. We have saved many but we have lost some. Our job is exhausting and challenging to begin with, but it became more challenging and exhausting when we had to take care of COVID patients. Caring for COVID patients with complications is like a double or triple job. Being an ICU and CRRT trained nurse, I would say, it's exhausting but it's fulfilling to see when a patient walks out of our unit and recovers. During this hard time, I wouldn't have made it and found the courage and strength to continue my work without my family, friends and coworkers' support. It's a great blessing to have support - something to be grateful about.

Helping others when they are scared of what is to come.

I am a Direct Care Worker. I provide direct care to medically fragile children in Stewart Homes Community Centre. I came to Canada 2 years ago to pursue further education and since then I am working in this group home. I have worked with more than 15 residents and I have special connections with each of them, I feel like they are part of my family. I am emotionally connected to them as they are restricted to meet parents/visitors due to isolation. It's hard to see residents missing their family and not being able to go out into the community. I also have worked with residents who were in isolation due to relevant symptoms. Initially, I was afraid of working but then I reminded myself why I chose this profession, to help people. It's my duty and I am there for them; that's what I love to do. I am really grateful for this job as I am able to provide care to the best of my abilities. It's not an easy transition but we have got this.

My greatest satisfaction is being able to help people, especially in a time where fear of what is happening out there in regards to health and safety is often fueling peoples concerns. I love working with staff, greeting them before their shifts, helping visitors and patients. My job is to keep our staff and patients safe by making sure that the people coming in and out of the hospital are healthy. I have a wonderful job as a screener and I am so thankful to have been given this opportunity!

Working as a nurse on the front line has been exhausting but also rewarding. Working together with a strong team that has overcome the continuous procedure changes so seamlessly has been inspiring. The pandemic has been challenging on many of my clients mentally and physically. They are away from friends and family and the comforts of home, but I know that I have been able to provide some comfort and positivity during this time. Whether it be sharing a few stories while providing care, deep breathing with an anxious client, or laughing at memes together, I am honored to be a part of their journey to recovery.

Study and working

As a Recreation Aide I've been helping my seniors connect with their families they are so deeply missing during this time. When my unit became the COVID unit we rose to the occasion, leaving our own families to move into a hotel so we could keep our residents safe and healthy.

I just started as a PSW working in long term care. Several patients have COVID in our facility. I would have to say my most satisfying experience in the facility has been whenever, in my heart I know, I have given the best care, I am met with a smile from a patient or a thank you which brings extra joy to my heart, knowing that they are happy.

Protecting my residents from COVID-19, making them smile and comforting them when they can’t see their families has been my greatest satisfaction.

I am a nurse in the community (home care). During this time of the pandemic, hospitals are trying to minimize traffic and the safest place to be is home. Being a community nurse allows me to treat patients in their home and assist them in continuing their plan of care.

Well the best thing that I felt and I still feel the same way as people thank you every time when they meet you at your work and I am working every day just to make it up to those who need us as we all need them.

I work as a PSW in a LTC facility. The greatest satisfaction I get working on the frontlines during the pandemic is knowing that I'm helping to keep our elderly population safe and healthy. It has not been easy, it has been mandated at my workplace to wear a faceshield for our entire shift as well as a mask. Being able to adjust quickly has become the norm, if a resident starts to present with any symptoms we automatically isolate the person until the swab results come back negative. I truly believe that all PSWs, and nurses, are healthcare heroes!

I love to help people and return something back to the community I live in.

I have the privilege of working on the frontlines as a PSW on the COVID unit with the Region of Durham. This is a great opportunity to be able to help out my community and those that are vulnerable.

My greatest satisfaction of working the frontlines is being able to help not just other frontline workers, but to also give some sort of normalcy to their children. We are all living in these weird and unprecedented times, and we need to remember that we are all in this together.

Over the past couple months it has been especially difficult for many people to maintain a healthy physical, financial, and mental balance in their life. It has been rewarding to provide in-person and telephone support to these individuals during their personal crisis. With many mental health and addiction services closing their doors during the rise of the pandemic, I’ve been blessed enough to work for two separate agencies that found a way to keep their doors open and continue to serve those that are in desperate need of support. The skills that I have acquired from the Social Service Worker program at Durham College have been extremely beneficial in my career and the continued support I receive from faculty and staff in my current program of Teaching and Training Adults, is beyond my expectations. The combination of education and life experience has placed me in a position to be of service during the time of need. Forever grateful.

I am an alumni of Durham College's Engineering Technology Program. I have been working at the University Health Network for 30 years and I am currently involved with supporting Medical Imaging CT scanners. This equipment is being used to support the ongoing imaging needs of COVID-19 patients. It has been a great satisfaction that our efforts with CT maintenance are being used every day to assist in the medical treatment of emergency patients during the pandemic.

Working during times such as these gives me an even greater appreciation for the enormous amount of compassion and respect shown between the residents and frontline workers. It pleases me that this relationship can be maintained, when challenges like COVID-19 arise.

Helping and cooking for the people at Chartwell Wynnfield homes it's amazing to see them smile and enjoy the food.