Academic Kickoff energizes DC employees for new school year

On August 28, employees from all corners of Durham College (DC) gathered together at the annual Academic Kickoff event for a morning of inspiration and motivation ahead of the new school year.

Led by Dr. Elaine Popp, DC’s vice-president, Academic, the event gave colleagues at the college a chance to reconnect while also sharing and igniting new ideas to continue growing the student experience inside the classroom and beyond.

Dr. Gerard Puccio, department chair and professor at the International Centre for Studies in Creativity, Buffalo State, delivered this year’s keynote address. A renowned creativity scholar, Dr. Puccio discussed creativity as a life skill and shared strategies with DC employees to unleash creativity in their own work and inspire it in students.

The morning also featured a panel presentation and discussion by student entrepreneurs from FastStart, the college’s free, co-curricular program that helps DC students and youth from the greater college community to develop and launch their own businesses.

The FastStart panel shared examples of how DC encourages and supports students’ entrepreneurial pursuits. Emphasis was also put on promoting and encouraging entrepreneurship to more students, including those specializing in creative arts, social innovation, food and more.