Mobile App Notifications News Archive

Discover DC’s game development opportunities at MRC Arcade

Join us for an interactive event – MRC Arcade, to learn more about Durham College’s (DC) applied research work in game development and discover the Mixed Reality...

It’s not too late! Join DC's 16 Days of Activism against gender-based violence

This message is being sent on behalf of the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. Please direct any questions to November marks Women’s Abuse Awareness...

Improve your financial literacy for the chance to win a $250 grocery gift card!

This message is being shared on behalf of the Financial Aid and Awards office. Please direct any inquiries to  Financial literacy is more than...

Durham College launches new Honours Bachelor of Paralegal degree

This message is being shared on behalf of Ralph Hofmann, executive dean, Faculty of Social & Community Services. Please direct any questions to Starting September...

Winter Weather Procedures

This message is being sent on behalf of the Emergency Management Response Team (EMRT). As winter approaches, it is important to be familiar with Durham...

Remembrance Day 2022 – honouring those who have served

This message is being shared on behalf of Megan Bent, executive chairperson, Durham College Student Association (DCSA), and Don Lovisa, president, Durham College. Today we pay...

International Education Week is coming November 14 to 18

This message is being sent on behalf of Thom MacDonald, dean, International Education. Please direct inquiries to Janine Knight-Grofe, director, International Education. Every third week...

It’s not too late! Register to participate at Fall Open House

This message is being sent on behalf of Pamela Dunn, manager, Events and Strategic Initiatives. Please direct any inquiries to Alexandre Rehayem, student recruitment marketing specialist. You’re invited...

Join DC’s 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

This message is being sent on behalf of the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. Please direct any questions to November marks Women’s Abuse...

Fall Open House 2022: participants needed

You’re invited to join Durham College’s (DC) Fall Open House participant team! Prospective students and their families will have the chance to explore all the...