Mobile App Notifications News Archive

Applications open for all students for $5,000 grant to support urban agriculture initiative

This message is being sent on behalf of Brenna Ireland, partnership manager, Barrett Centre of Innovation in Sustainable Urban Agriculture. If you’re eager to make...

National Day of Remembrance of the Quebec City Mosque Attack and Action Against Islamophobia

Sunday, January 29, marks the seventh anniversary of the violent attack that took place at the Islamic Cultural Centre in Quebec City, where six people...

International Holocaust Remembrance Day – Honouring Lives Lost

This message is sent on behalf of Nikki Samuel, director, Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. Today, Durham College (DC) joins institutions across the world...

Bell Let’s Talk Day at Durham College – #DCLetsDO

Today is Bell Let’s Talk Day, and Durham College’s (DC) Campus Health and Wellness Centre (CHWC) is joining in the world’s largest conversation to help...

Reminder – Get ready for the Job Fair with Gear Up to Get Hired events

This message is being shared on behalf of Christine Murphy, director, Career and Student Development. Please direct any questions to Erin Sawyer, outreach co-ordinator, Career...

Campus Safety Week Kicks Off at DC – Monday, January 9 to Friday, January 13

Campus Safety Week starts today and Durham College (DC) is committed to keeping students and employees safe on campus.   We offer a number of...

DC services move online and non-essential staff to work remotely December 23

Due to the expected inclement weather conditions tonight and tomorrow, Durham College (DC) services will be moved to fully online, instead of in-person, for Friday,...

Marking National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women 2022

On December 6, Durham College (DC) commemorates the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women to pay tribute to the victims of...

Reminder – Financial literacy contest closes December 12! Don’t miss your chance to win one of four $250 grocery gift cards

This message is being shared on behalf of the Financial Aid and Awards office. Please direct any inquiries to  Don’t miss your chance to...

Sharing sad news regarding the passing of Jenna Chen, a student from the Faculty of Liberal Studies

This message is sent on behalf of Don Lovisa, president, Durham College.  Dear colleagues and students,  I am saddened to share with you that Jenna...