Sexually transmitted infections

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are infectious diseases that can spread from one person to another through many types of sexual contact. Prevention, which includes talking about safer sex with every sexual partner, is very important. Many STIs don’t show signs or symptoms at first, therefore it’s important to take precautions to protect yourself and your sexual partner. Get tested regularly! Early detection can help you reduce or avoid health complications and can help minimize the spread of STIs to others. It is also important to note that people living with an STI can still have healthy, happy sex lives.

Some general tips for reducing your STI risk include:

  • Choosing lower-risk sexual activities that do not involve fluid exchange, such as hugging, massage or masturbation.
  • Becoming comfortable exploring your genitals for any changes, including sores, discharge or unusual odors.
  • Getting tested and treated (if needed) for STIs regularly.
  • Considering a reduction in your substance use during sexual activity. Drinking or using drugs lowers your ability to make clear decisions and make safer choices.
  • Ensuring sex toys are clean before use. You can also consider using a condom with them or not sharing them.
  • Considering available vaccinations or pre-exposure medication for STIs.
  • Trying to always use protection such as condom or dental dam.

Things to discuss with sexual partners:

  • Have you ever had sex with someone before?
  • Have you ever had unprotected sex with someone before?
  • Are we monogamous?
  • Have you ever had an STI?
  • When did you last have an STI test?
  • Do you have any symptoms of an STI?
  • Have you ever shared drug paraphernalia?
  • How do you feel about sex (emotionally, physically, and spiritually)?
  • How do you feel about contraceptives?

Keep in mind your sexual partner may not know they have an STI as they may not have symptoms. It can also be valuable to discuss values, boundaries, expectations and knowledge of STIs with your sexual partner(s) before having sex.

Not sure how to have these conversations? Smart Sex has some great tips on starting these awkward but important conversations.