
The MRC Studio engages with existing businesses, start-up ventures, and not-for-profit organizations to address practical business problems. The business solutions that are created in an engagement with the MRC Studio address core business needs, including performance optimization, safety engineering, testing, education, and in the entertainment industry. The MRC Studio also provides consultation, advisory and support services to organizations beginning to consider how Mixed Reality can fit into their business.

Projects typically involve one or more subject matter experts from the partner company and Durham College (DC) researcher(s), who supervise two to four student research assistants. The company provides domain and business requirements and additional technical resources to the project team. Project length is typically 16 to 36 weeks, though projects can run significantly longer, including multi-year projects. DC has access to a number of funders who can contribute to project costs for eligible companies.

A selection of recently completed projects

A selection of projects in progress