Register ACCESS AND SUPPORT CENTRE (ASC) REGISTRATION STEPS We encourage you to complete these steps as soon as you have accepted your Offer of Admission or are already enrolled in courses. Complete our ASC Student Information Form. You can do that by downloading and completing the form found here: ASC Student Information Form Document Obtain your supporting documentation. Supporting documentation assists the ASC in understanding the impact of your exceptionality related to your course needs. Supporting documentation could include: IEP with any listed assessment(s) OSAP Disability Verification Form Detailed Doctor’s Note Audiogram ASC Medical Form Submit your ASC Student Information Form & supporting documentation to the ASC by email, fax, or dropping it off in person. If you are unsure of what documentation to provide or how to register, we can help! Contact information can be found at the following link: Attend an Intake Appointment! ASC staff will contact you to book an appointment once all documents are received. You will meet to discuss your requested support, determine appropriate accommodations, and guide the development of an Access Plan Communicate with Faculty to Discuss your Learning Needs. Unlike secondary school, your faculty will not know if you require accommodations unless you let them know. The ASC assists you in communicating your Access Plan each semester through email. Once you have submitted your documents to the Access and Support Centre, you will receive a confirmation email and we will contact you shortly after to book your intake appointment. ASC StudentInformation Form OSAP DisabilityVerification Form ASCMedical Form DOCUMENTATION Supporting documentation assists the ASC in understanding the impact of your exceptionality in a post-secondary environment and helps guide the development of your Access Plan. You will have an opportunity at your intake appointment to discuss if your supporting documentation reflects your current learning needs or if additional information is required. If you are OSAP eligible, it is best to have the OSAP Disability Verification Form completed. If you are struggling with mental health and don’t have documentation, the ASC supports eligible students by providing accommodations on a temporary basis while documentation is being obtained. If this applies to you, connect with our office to see if you may qualify and how we might assist you. Not sure what to submit? Don’t know how to submit? Contact Us!