DC Blog Archives

FastStartDC Spotlight: Jonathan Katalayi-ngalamulume, JKT Training

By Crystal Pollard, manager, Entrepreneurship Services There’s no doubt this last year has been full of challenges, change and opportunities for DC students and entrepreneurs...

FastStartDC spotlight: Erin Malcolm, She Wolf Inc.

Written by Crystal Pollard, manager, Entrepreneurship Services Over the course of the pandemic, FastStartDC has continued to support Durham College’s (DC) student entrepreneurs to find...

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FastStart launches the Start Market to showcase DC’s student and alumni entrepreneurs

On December 3, FastStartDC, Durham College’s (DC) on-campus entrepreneurship center launched an online marketplace called the Start Market, showcasing some of the incredibly talented student...

Durham College teams up to protect bees

By Leah Drewette, second-year Public Relations student and brand ambassador, FastStartDC Named a BeeCity for a third consecutive year, the City of Oshawa and its...

The summer experience – FastStartDC brand ambassador edition

By Leah Drewette Just like that, the summer season at FastStartDC has come to a close…and what a ride it’s been! In a good way,...

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10X10 – How one DC music grad is streaming his way to success

For emerging artist Troy Junker, the future looks bright. Since graduating from Durham College’s (DC) Music Business Management (MBM) program in 2016, Troy has been...

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Business and technology careers that spark innovation

If finding creative solutions to today’s business or technology challenges is something that excites you, a program that lets you bring your big ideas to...

These top DC programs for foodies are full of flavour

Master the art of food and cooking, unleash your passion for travel, customer relations and events, or learn to nurture a career in horticulture with...

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Journalism grad faces off in new role amid a global pandemic

Written by Brandon Wright, Journalism – Mass Media graduate Social Media, Communications and Community Relations manager, Oshawa Generals   Fired up? Are you ready to...

EnactusDC sparks recognition and collects awards at National Competition

Days before the 2021 Enactus National Exposition, members of Durham College’s (DC) Enactus team received candy delivered to each of their homes. This is just...