Got some free time this March Break? It’s the perfect chance to check out Durham College (DC), explore our programs, and take a big step...
Job fairs are a fantastic opportunity to connect qualified students and alumni with local employers and industry leaders who are actively recruiting for full-time, part-time,...
Whether you need a refresher on academic writing, tips on time management or study strategies, this series of virtual workshops can help you start strong...
Durham College (DC) is committed to the ongoing process of reconciliation and building respectful, reciprocal relationships that contribute to better educational outcomes for all students...
Are you ready to further your education? Take on a new career path or upgrade your skills? If so, you’re invited to Durham College (DC)...
From stepping next door to Ontario Tech University to experiencing an adventure overseas, there are a world of possibilities for students looking to apply their...
At Durham College (DC), we prioritize green initiatives in everything we do. From our solid waste management policy that supports recycling batteries, light bulbs and...
Are you okay? It’s an easy question to ignore but try not to. We know how busy the life of a Durham College (DC) student...
As the winter semester kicks off and you embrace the beginning of a new year, you may be looking for ways to get involved, make...
By: Madison Westley, Student Success Coach On Saturday, March 12, the Student Development Office hosted the 8th Annual Student Leadership Summit (Summit) at the Ganaraska...