From part-time studies to a three-year diploma, DC Accounting student inspired to explore new career options

Accounting student Riley Coleman began his journey as a part-time student and with support from his Durham College (DC) peers and faculty, he’s now graduating with a three-year diploma.

“The classmates and professors I met along the way have helped shape not only my career but me as a person,” said Coleman, who is graduating with an Accounting – Business Administration diploma this spring. “My three years at Durham have been the most rewarding schooling I have done.”

He began his journey as a part-time continuing education student. At the time, he was helping the bookkeeper in his father’s office and decided to enroll in classes at DC.

Coleman found he really enjoyed accounting courses at DC and after taking a short break from his studies, he decided to enroll as a full-time student in his three-year program.

He said DC’s dedicated faculty helped him prepare for his next steps.

“I thought I knew what path I was taking when I went into the program. My experiences with my professors and seeing their passion for specific subjects helped me realize I had the same passion for those subjects,” he said.

Coleman’s program included co-op, which he did with the Government of Canada. He said the experience “was amazing for preparing me for the workforce and interviews”. He was fortunate to be hired on full-time after his co-op ended.

Eventually, he said, he may want to start his own firm.

Coleman’s advice to students at the beginning of their journey is to jump in and enroll in a DC accounting program.

“Take that next step,” he said. “The program itself is amazing and the professors are just as amazing. It will help and guide you on the path you want to be on and maybe even open up some doors for you.”

Exploring accounting programs at Durham College means exploring career pathways

Accounting is the universal language of business and Durham College’s programs prepare students for diverse, career-ready pathways.

After accounting students graduate, they can pursue work in almost any industry, the non-profit sector, in government or they can start their own business.

“Really, the world is at your doorstep because every place needs an accountant,” said Cheryl Wilson, DC’s accounting program coordinator.

Here are three great reasons to pursue a business program at DC:

Accounting is a solid foundation for all business programs at DC

Options for students start from their first semester in DC’s accounting programs. Students who are unsure of which business discipline to pursue, can opt for accounting as a safe choice.

“The benefit of Durham College over other colleges is that we have this common first semester where they can come into accounting then, if at the end of the first semester they want to go to another discipline, it's easy,” said Wilson. “They can go to any other business discipline.”

In addition to accounting, first semester courses include financial planning, human resource management, marketing, supply chain management and business computer applications.

You can pursue a Certified Professional Bookkeeper designation

Students who opt to take two-year Accounting – Business program or the three-year advanced diploma Accounting – Business Administration programs at DC can pursue their Certified Professional Bookkeeper (CPB) designation. Students in the two-year program can challenge the first level of CPB exams and students in the three-year program can challenge the second level.

Wilson explains most college programs offer the option of challenging only the first level, but challenging the second level is a new option at DC offered since January 2023, creating new pathways for students.

Maximize your time and resources to earn a diploma from DC and a degree from Ontario Tech

Students looking to become a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) must have a university degree and DC’s Accounting – Business – Transfer to Ontario Tech University Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) program supports students in earning both a diploma and a degree in four years.

There are several benefits to opting for a college pathway to a CPA including savings on the first two years of tuition.

“It's way cheaper to start at the college and then move over to the university because college tuition is less expensive than university tuition,” said Wilson.

Generally, college programs are more technical in nature compared to university programs which are more theoretical and by earning both a diploma and a degree students get the best of both.

“The students who start at the college get a much better fundamental understanding in accounting of debits and credits and journaling and how that works,” Wilson explains. “Our college students that go to the university are much stronger in their technical basis, which helps them in the third and fourth year of the university program.”

Explore DC’s accounting programs and start your studies in May 2024.

I chose accounting because I really enjoy working with numbers and thinking about a problem logically. Coming out of this program there are many options for a career path. This program does a great job of giving you a very well-rounded education. There are many courses that contribute to you finishing the program with a thorough understanding of business as a whole.

Sarah Burgess Student, Accounting - Business Administration