Career Launch – your passport to success

Career Launch helps Durham College (DC) students and soon-to-be graduates develop the confidence to smoothly transition from college to the workplace. Throughout the year, events and workshops at both the Oshawa and Whitby campuses provide opportunities for personal and professional development. These activities complement classroom learning, help students develop networking and leadership skills and personal marketing tools, and enhance their essential employability skills.

The Career Launch program is organized by Career Development, Student Development, International Education and the Office of Advancement and Alumni Relations.

Career Launch events offer unique and beneficial personal and professional development opportunities. You will:

  • Acquire and practice real-world skills by attending employer recruitment eventsDC Talks: Alumni Series , the Etiquette dinner and the Institute of Student Leadership Summit.
  • Discover how to build a comprehensive, relevant and appropriate LinkedIn presence through our LinkedIn events.
  • Build valuable leadership skills through participation in the Institute of Student Leadership.
  • Increase financial knowledge and confidence by learning how to budget and manage money through the Financial Literacy workshop.