Unique summer program helps young entrepreneurs accelerate their business

Durham College (DC) has launched the DC Summer Accelerator program – a new initiative to help students, local youth and alumni take their innovative ideas or business ventures to market faster while utilizing the professional services from an experienced support team.

In collaboration with Spark Centre, the program offers incubation and acceleration services to support and provide access to services so young entrepreneurs can turn their great ideas into tangible and marketable products.

“We are thrilled to launch the DC Summer Accelerator, the latest addition to our FastStart programming,” said Debbie McKee Demcyzk, director, Office of Research Services and Innovation. “Teaming up with Spark Centre to provide expert advising and mentorship services, we will provide participants with a unique opportunity to kick-start their businesses. We’re confident that this will be a successful and in-demand program supporting young entrepreneurs.”

The DC Summer Accelerator is the perfect opportunity for those with compelling business ventures that have the potential for large market sustainability. Applicants must be committed and willing to receive coaching and work day-to-day with the Spark Centre team.

The program offers:

  • Faster market entry with a sharp focus on building the technology, achieving milestones and growing revenues, while a support team provides advisory services, operational support and key connections.
  • Reduced start-up costs through access to office space, bookkeeping, administrative support and preferred rates on professional services such as legal, accounting and intellectual property.
  • A focused environment where participants are able to avoid common start-up failures by engaging with other entrepreneurs and industry professionals.

There is no cost to participate in the DC Summer Accelerator.  Some participants may opt to work part-time during the evenings or weekends while participating, which is acceptable as long as progress continues on their start-up activities.

Application deadline is Monday, April 20.

DC announces sexual violence policy and procedure

On Tuesday, March 31 Durham College (DC) announced it has finalized its stand-alone policy and procedure on sexual assault and sexual violence and they are now publicly available on the college’s website.

“This is an important step to take for Durham College, alongside the other colleges across Ontario,” said Don Lovisa, president, DC. “It’s essential that everyone knows their rights and responsibilities and that the security of our campus continues to be a priority.”

DC’s policy and procedure communicate that all members of the Durham College community have a right to work and study in an environment that is free from any form of sexual violence. 

These documents ensure that the college has a process that:

  • Protects the rights of individuals
  • Facilitates an environment in which those who experience sexual violence are believed and their rights respected
  • Holds individuals who are found to have committed an act of sexual violence, accountable

Presidents at Ontario’s 24 publicly funded colleges voted unanimously in November to create a stand-alone policy and protocol that would be available at all colleges by March 31. A draft version was publicly released in January and there have been consultations throughout the province to finalize the document.

Building on DC’s existing policies and procedures, the stand-alone policy and procedure provide precise definitions of sexual assault and sexual violence, set clear standards for reporting and responding to incidents of sexual violence, and establish clear processes for complaints and investigations.

Individual colleges and Colleges Ontario (the advocacy organization for the province’s 24 colleges) have consulted with students and college staff throughout Ontario. There have also been consultations with legal experts, the Ontario Women’s Directorate, the Ontario Public Service Employees Union, government officials and others, including DC’s Director of Campus Safety, Tom Lynch, who sat on the provincial advisory committee.

The colleges’ policies and procedures support the action plan on sexual violence announced by Premier Kathleen Wynne on March 6. Work will continue to ensure the initiatives at each college fulfil the expectations and requirements of the premier’s action plan.

Ontario’s colleges are currently working on next steps, including new education and training at the colleges and the development of new awareness and prevention initiatives.

“We are grateful to our students and staff who have worked diligently to finalize our new policy and procedure,” said Meri Kim Oliver, vice-president, Student Affairs. “It’s essential that we continue working together to raise awareness about sexual violence and the role we can all play in preventing it.”

DC’s policy and procedure can be found on its Sexual Violence and Awareness page, along with a video and infographic to provide additional resources to students, staff and faculty.

Durham College, UOIT and Trent University join forces in bold vision to create healthier communities

Durham College, the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) and Trent University have collaborated on a call for submissions from the provincial government’s Major Capacity Expansion Framework to build a new flagship facility dedicated to health and community studies, located in Oshawa’s north end.

The proposed Centre for Integrated Health and Community Studies (CIHCS) and the partnership between the three institutions is detailed in a collaborative new website, investwith3.ca. The bold vision proposes a new facility that will enable the institutions to deliver curriculum and create a campus culture that educates students in the requisite knowledge, and technical and soft skills needed for success in the health-care and community studies field. Offering a unique mix of programs from the three institutions will give people in Durham Region, Northumberland County and beyond access to more health-care professionals and technologies, as well as access to new innovative approaches to health care.

Additionally, the proposed new facility will open up opportunities for exciting new collaborations with industry partners that will position Durham Region and Northumberland County as a leader in health-care delivery, services and innovation. It will strengthen and sustain the partnerships already in place with area health care and community institutions, many of which are recognized across the province for excellence in health-care delivery.

The proposal and partnership by Durham College, UOIT and Trent University builds on a long history of collaboration with decades of experience working together. The natural synergies that exist between the institutions provide a solid foundation for success for the Centre for Integrated Health and Community Studies.

DC rolls out the welcome mat for its annual Spring Open House

On Saturday, March 21, Durham College (DC) welcomed more than 3,900 visitors during its annual Spring Open House. The doors to the Oshawa and Whitby campuses and the Pickering Learning Site were opened as potential students, their families and the broader community explored all that DC has to offer.

The college’s innovative programs were showcased throughout the day by expert staff and knowledgeable students. DC Crew took visitors on tours of the high-tech classrooms, labs and state-of-the-art facilities at all three locations, while helpful information sessions on topics ranging from the admission process, to financial aid, career planning and access and support services were also offered.

“We look forward to Open House every year,” said Don Lovisa, president, Durham College. “It’s a great opportunity for potential students and the wider community to access a multitude of resources and limitless information about DC at one time, while experiencing all that the college has to offer first-hand. We hope to see many of the people we met on Saturday joining us soon.”

Centre for Food (CFF) ambassador and celebrity chef Jamie Kennedy was also on-hand and spent the day at the CFF speaking with attendees about the field-to-fork philosophy and signing copies of his new cookbook.

Visitors’ at all three locations had the chance to win free tuition for the year, valued at $2,700 or an iPad.

If you missed the spring open house but are interested in a tour of Durham College, please visit www.durhamcollege.ca/campustours or contact the Admissions and Recruitment Office at 905.721.3000. You can also visit us online to learn more about our extensive program offerings.

New program helps students insure future

Durham College (DC) hosted an information night on February 24 to showcase the college’s new two-year Insurance program and help students gain insight into a career in this thriving industry.

The free information session included a welcome message from Judy Spring, dean, School of Business, IT & Management, a keynote address from Trevor Buttrum, Career Connections program co-ordinator at the Insurance Institute and a panel discussion with leading industry experts.

“The most important skill you should have as a member of this industry is communication,” said Keith Miller, W.B. White Insurance & Financial Ltd. “You may get a call where it will be crucial that you are able to comfort the customer and be compassionate while ensuring you are gathering the information necessary to assess their situation.”

The insurance industry has been growing steadily in Ontario since 2005 and has seen an increase in employment above the provincial growth rate. DC is pleased to now offer a program in such a dynamic industry that employs more than 77,000 Ontarians.

The two-year program provides a broad exposure to business with a specialization in general insurance. Students will have the opportunity to develop their knowledge in policies and legislation, fraud awareness and client management to achieve a rewarding career in a thriving industry.

“The greatest misconception about the insurance industry is that it’s one that can be learned in a short time,” said Adam Hare, Petley-Hare Limited, Insurance Brokers. “It’s always evolving and changing and has so much to offer.”

Program graduates will have a number of career choices including appraiser, broker or agent, claims adjuster, customer service representative, loss control specialist, risk manager or underwriter – just to name a few. They will also have the opportunity to earn eight credits (out of 10) towards the internationally recognized Chartered Insurance Professional (CIP) designation.

If you’re a people person with a flair for numbers and an interest in risk management, a career in insurance could be the path for you. Learn more at www.durhamcollege.ca/programs/insurance or join us at our Open House on Saturday, March 21.

Team Experience members interview with Channel 12 News

They’ve posted on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram more than 20,000 times, they’ve received more than 150,000 hits on YouTube, and they’ve shared more than 100 insightful blogs. They are Durham College’s (DC) Team Experience, and they’re at it again, sharing their college experience in a fun and quirky interview with Channel 12 News.

“I think being able to see what students are up to first-hand is a great way for other students to connect,” said Matisse Hamel-Nelis, member of Team Experience and student in DC’s Public Relations program. “By sharing my experiences I want to let people know that if I can do it, they can do it too.” 

The interview, which aired in Durham Region, Peterborough and Kingston on Thursday, February 19, highlighted the innovative Experience DC campaign, which follows the lives of 14 unique students who are living the college life.

“So many people think college kids come straight from high school, but that’s not always true,” said Rebecca Haslam, Team Experience member and student in the Special Event Planning program. “College students are from all walks of life and the diversity amongst Team Experience members reflects this.”

In following the Team Experience members, prospective students can find someone to relate to. Whether it’s a parent balancing schoolwork with family life, a student on a journey to study in Canada from abroad, a first-year student straight from high school or a returning grad, there are stories and insights coming from Team Experience that will be relevant to them.

You can meet members of Team Experience at the Oshawa and Whitby campuses during spring Open House on Saturday, March 21 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Ask questions, tour the campus and experience DC for yourself. Visit www.durhamcollege.ca/openhouse for more information.

DC announces winners of its Experience Video Contest

Durham College (DC) has announced the winners of its first-ever Experience Video contest. Christine Carson, Ivan Nimtsiv and Saiss Parthipan created the top three videos and won $1,000 in cash!

Launched via the Experience DC campaign, the Experience Video Contest was open to any resident from across Ontario over the age of 15. Entrants were encouraged to submit a 15-second Instagram video about a life experience, and the top three videos with the most votes received the cash prize.

“I look at life in a positive sense, I have the will to win, the desire to succeed and the urge to reach my full potential,” said winner Ivan Nimtsiv, first-year Human Resources – Business student. “This money will help me to pay for school.”

Saiss, a second-year UOIT student, said he saw the contest on Facebook and decided that his video would share life from a student’s perspective.

Mom and Oshawa resident, Christine, found out about the contest online and decided to submit a video featuring her baby Reid. “Everyone loves babies and baby videos,” she said.

With more than 27,000 visits to its web page and over 10,000 votes on video submissions, the contest provided an opportunity for residents across Ontario to share their story with a group of 14 dynamic DC students known as Team Experience and falls perfectly in line with the multi-platform Experience DC campaign.

Team Experience has been sharing their own stories of college life since September 2014. They’ve connected on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram 20,000 times, on YouTube 150,000 times, and through more than 100 insightful blogs, giving followers an authentic, real-time account of what life at DC is like from their own perspective.

“It was great to see everyone’s creativity shine through in their 15-second videos,” said Matisse Hamel-Nelis, a second-year Public Relations student and member of Team Experience. “The word experience can mean different things to different people and this contest captured that essence. Congratulations to the winners and all those who submitted a video for sharing a piece of your day-to-day life with us.”

Anyone wanting to follow the adventures of the Team Experience members can visit www.durhamcollege.ca/x to check them out, and be a part of it.

Save the date – Campus Master Plan open house

Durham College (DC) and the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) are hosting a Campus Master Plan (CMP) Community Open House on March 9. Students, faculty, staff and the public are invited to learn more about the future Oshawa campus expansion of DC and UOIT; interact with the CMP planning team; and offer feedback on the areas of:

  • Public areas and open spaces.
  • Building locations and landscaping.
  • Transportation: driving, transit, cycling and pedestrian

    When: Monday, March 9


  • Quick session: noon – Gordon Willey building, DC Pit
  • Quick session: 1 p.m. – UA Science building, West Atrium
  • Full session: 3:30 to 6 p.m. – Dining Room (Room G213), Gordon Willey building

For more information on the CMP and the Open House, please visit www.campusmasterplan.ca.

FastStart hurtles across finish line

On January 28 and 29, Durham College (DC) hosted entrepreneurial fairs at its Oshawa and Whitby campuses, to launch FastStart.

At the fairs, students had the opportunity to meet successful business owners, ask them questions and learn about the FastStart program, designed to increase entrepreneurial skills and awareness while also helping students create solid business plans that take their products and services to market – quickly and successfully.

“One of the key mandates of FastStart is to offer progressive programs and provide tools and resources to connect students with industry leaders and mentors to help them succeed,” said Debbie McKee Demczyk, director, Office of Research Services and Innovation. “The entrepreneurial fair gave students a chance to speak with successful business owners who place innovation at the heart of everything they do. We know this fair is going to be the first of many unique initiatives for FastStart at the college.”

Students also filled out a passport by visiting various booths for a chance to win a FitBit. In addition, the Student Association (SA), in partnership with FastStartDC, ran a contest for students to win an all-expenses paid trip to Halifax, Nova Scotia where they will attend the Starting Point Student Entrepreneurship Conference at St. Mary’s University (SMU). This opportunity is fully sponsored by the SA.

FastStart is a partnership between DC, the University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Fleming College and Trent University, all of which are working with Spark Centre and the Greater Peterborough Innovation Cluster (GPIC) to promote and support entrepreneurship for students. It is inclusive to students in all programs, in all partnering schools, including alumni. It is also supported in part by the Government of Ontario through the On-Campus Entrepreneurship Activities program managed by Ontario Centres of Excellence. FastStart is a member of the Ontario Network of Entrepreneurs.

The companies attending the fair included:

  • 5 Paddles Brewing Co.
  • Acouskins
  • Bereskin & Parr, LLP
  • Blancride
  • Business Advisory Centre of Durham (BACD)
  • Frantastic Treats and Events
  • Futurpreneur Canada
  • Habitat for Humanity
  • IFTech
  • Moxie Trades
  • National Pro Staff
  • Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE)
  • Spark Centre
  • Student Association (SA)
  • Zamba

Your future in accounting or insurance has arrived

Starting this September, Durham College (DC) will be offering students the chance to become professionals in accounting and payroll or insurance in just four semesters.

“With the new market-driven Insurance and Accounting and Payroll programs, students will benefit from career-focused skills and training offered in collaboration with industry professional associations,” said Judy Spring, dean of the School of Business, IT & Management.

With more Canadians turning to entrepreneurship, the need for trained accountants and payroll professionals is steadily rising across Canada. Enter DC’s new Accounting and Payroll diploma. This program prepares students to execute functions such as proactive management of payroll, assets, expenses, and tax and revenue obligations, and graduates will be ready for employment as accounting clerks; administrative assistants; banking clerks; bookkeepers; budget co-ordinators; and payroll administrators in accounting and human resources departments at small and large firms.

For students with a flair for numbers and relationship-building, along with an interest in risk management, DC’s Insurance diploma program offers a broad exposure to business with a specialization in general (property and casualty) insurance. Students will gain the knowledge required to work in areas of fraud awareness, client management, policies and legislation, and more. Graduates from the program can enter the workforce in junior-level positions as appraisers, brokers or agents; claims adjusters; customer service representatives; loss control specialists; risk managers; or underwriters.

“Graduates of Accounting and Payroll will complete the academic requirements for the Payroll Compliance Practitioner Certification (PCP) from the Canadian Payroll Association and all course requirements for the Certified Bookkeeper (CB) designation from the Canadian Institute of Bookkeeping,” said Spring. “Graduates of the Insurance program will complete eight of 10 credits towards the Chartered Insurance Professionals (CIP) designation offered by the Insurance Institute of Canada. Graduates of both programs will be well-positioned for employment opportunities.”

Apply now for this September by visiting www.ontariocolleges.ca.

Education and Careers in Insurance information session

Individuals seeking industry-driven training and education to meet future career goals in insurance are invited to join Spring for an insightful, free information session on Tuesday, February 24, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. to learn more about DC’s Insurance program, and hear what industry experts have to say about this dynamic sector, which employs nearly 77,000 Ontarians by insurance carriers or related services.

Guests will hear from industry experts from the Insurance Institute of Canada, followed by a panel discussion of insurance professionals. Visit our events calendar for more information.