Hospitality – Hotel and Restaurant Operations Management (Co-op option available) Four semesters Ontario College Diploma Whitby This program focuses on the management of hotel, restaurant and tourism enterprises and is designed to provide you with a thorough foundation of the professional skills required to Hospitality Skills Two semesters Ontario College certificate Whitby The Hospitality Skills program will provide you with an introduction to hotel, restaurant and tourism operations and the knowledge and expertise required for an entry-level position in the hospitality field. You will Special Events Management (Co-op option available) Four semesters Ontario College Diploma Whitby This new program will provide you with the skills and training required to bring together hospitality, accommodation, culinary and professional services with the cultural, historical and natural attractions of a geographical location. Whether you are planning cultural and social events, charitable fundraisers, conventions, festivals, weddings or corporate affairs Tourism – Destination Marketing – NEW (Co-op option available) Four semesters Ontario College Diploma Whitby Destination marketers are multidisciplinary professionals who specialize in identifying, developing and executing strategies to drive socio-economic success for locations and attractions around the world. In this program, students learn how to uphold service and quality standards throughout the customer lifecycle; develop a digital and social media presence and marketing...