Many organizations and agencies generously donate to the College to assist students in financial need. Full-time eligible students can complete their general bursary application via MyDC using the self-service portal.
- Eligible students can apply each academic year
- Check the Financial Aid Important Dates to make sure you apply before the deadline
- Applicants who apply by the posted deadline are guaranteed a response by the end of their intake term
- The General Bursary application will also consider you for donor awards automatically; separate applications are not required
- Bursary funds are non-repayable
Please note withdrawal or drop to part-time studies may impact eligibility for bursary funds.
The 123Dentist Awards will be granted annually to a student from Dental Hygiene and Dental Assistant programs at Durham College who is dedicated, enthusiastic, collaborative, and customer service-driven. The recipients will be selected by a program committee from the Faculty of Health Sciences and distributed in the final semester of their program.
Details on how to apply for this award will be sent to students via email in the Fall.
The 123Dentist Dental Office Administrator's Awards will be granted to students from the Dental Office Administration program at Durham College who are dedicated, enthusiastic, collaborative, and customer service-driven. The recipients will be selected by a program committee from the Faculty of Health Sciences and distributed in the final semester of their program. Details on how to apply for this award will be sent to students via email in the Fall.
The Allan MacNeil Award is an in-course award that will be presented annually to a student in their second year of Digital Photography. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Alpha Delta Kappa Award in Memory of Alice Michaud will be granted annually to a student who in a program related to education and/or services for children, with a preference to a female student. The recipient must be an Ontario resident, be in full-time studies and of good academic standing, and having a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the College.
The Andrew Foundation is presented to a student in their first or second year in the School of Business, IT and Management. The recipient is selected by the Student Awards Office of the College.
The Aramark Award is an in-course award that will be presented annually to a student in any program or year of studies. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Award for Excellence in the Automotive Technician program is granted to the student who has graduated first in their class, based upon final grade point average in the Automotive Power Technician program. This award is donated by Robert La Croix.
The Bill and Barbara Howe Award is an in-course award that will be presented annually to a student in any culinary program or year of study. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Bill and Barbara Howe Bursary is awarded annually to a second year student in the Journalism program and student in the Personal Support Work program. The recipient must be in full-time studies, of good academic standing, and having a demonstrated financial need. The recipient is selected by the Student Awards Office of the College.
The Black & McDonald Indigenous Award will be granted annually to a full-time student currently enrolled in any skilled trades program at Durham College. Preference will be given to an Aboriginal student. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Brooklin Horticulture Society Award is an in-course award that will be presented annually to a student in the Horticulture Technician program. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
Awarded to a student entering the School of Science, Engineering and Technology with a preference given to a female. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The CCIL Bursary will be awarded to a student enrolled in the Civil Engineering program at Durham College. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident, and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient is selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Canadian Elevator Contractors Association (CECA) Bursary is for students in financial need with good academic standing within the Elevating Devices program. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the College.
The Canadian Elevator Contractors Association (CECA) In-course Scholarship Award will be awarded to the top two students ($1,000 for first place and $500 for second) in the Elevating Devices program.
The Canadian Federation of University Women Award is an in-course award that will be presented annually to a woman in her second year. Preference will be given to students residing in the Durham region. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Canadian Healthcare Engineers Society, Ontario Chapter Award is awarded annually to a student enrolled in the Biomedical Engineering Technology program. The student will have completed one year of study and have achieved academic excellence. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Carpenters Union Local 397 Award is available to a full-time Durham College student. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Canadian Federation of University Women Millennium Award will be granted to a student studying in the School of Science & Engineering Technology or the School of Skilled Trades, Apprenticeship, Renewable Technology with preference to a female student. The recipient must be an Ontario resident and a Canadian citizen, being in full-time studies and of good academic standing, and having a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the College.
The Central East Community Care Access Centre Award is available to four students enrolled in the 1st year of the Personal Support Worker program and four students enrolled in the 2nd year Practical Nursing program. Preference will be given to a student who is a permanent resident within the boundaries of the CECCAC, maintain a 3.0 GPA (B average) and is in financial need. The recipients will be selected by the Student Awards office of the college.
The Champion of Public Relations Excellence Award will be granted to a student enrolled in the Public Relations post-graduate certificate program at Durham College. The student must have a minimum of 75% average and complete the application form including the essay question. Details on how to apply for this award will be sent to students via email in the Fall.
The Christopher Kresimir Maly Award is an in-course award that will be presented annually to a student in the Pharmaceutical and Food Science Technology program. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The CIBC Bursary Award is available to a student in Environmental Studies. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The CINDE Bursary will be granted to a student in their second year of study from the Mechanical Engineering Technician NDE program at Durham College who demonstrates financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Award and Financial Aid Office of the College.
The CINDE In-Course Scholarship will be awarded to the second-highest student from the Mechanical Engineering Technician NDE program in their second year of study.
The Colliers Project Leaders Biomedical Engineering Scholarship will provide one award to a Durham College student starting in their second year of the Biomedical Engineering Program. The recipients will be identified by DC’s Financial Aid office and will be disbursed after the end of each semester (i.e., January and May).
The Connor Thompson Memorial Award will be granted annually to a student from the Preservice Fire Program at Durham College who demonstrates creative and hardworking qualities and is passionate about helping others. The recipient will be selected by a program committee from the Faculty of Social and Community Services and distributed in the second semester of the program.
Details on how to apply for this award will be sent to students via email in the Fall.
This bursary is to be awarded to a student in the Sport Business Management program or Sport Administration/Sport Management program, with preference going to a female. The student should demonstrate financial need and an attitude to reach and work beyond the scope of his or her present learning. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Dr. Kayla Murphy Indigenous Students Award will be granted to a student in financial need from Durham College who is Indigenous and must be able to prove their Indigeneity through an Indian status card, Inuit registry, Metis registry or letter from an Elder of their recognized community or through candidate self-declaration.
The Durham College Alumni Association Award is available to a full-time Durham College student. Preference will be given to Durham College Alumni children. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Durham College Alumni Association and OACETT Award is an in-course award that will be presented annually to a student in their second or third year of any Engineering program. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Durham College Retirees Award is an in-course award that will be presented annually to a student in any program or year of studies. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Durham Filipino-Canadian Society and Dr. Gregorio Bayang Award are awarded annually with preference to a student in any year of the Dental Assisting or the Dental Hygiene program in the School of Health and Community Services. The recipient shall demonstrate financial need and be in good academic standing. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards office of the college.
The Durham Lifelong Learning Award is an in-course award that will be presented annually to a student in any program or year of studies. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college; preference may be given to mature students.
The Durham Police Appreciation Committee Award is available to a full-time, second-year student in his or her final semester of the Police Foundations program. The recipient has to have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and preference will be given to a Durham Region resident. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Durham Region Concert Association Award is granted annually to a student enrolled in the Music Business Administration program who is in their second or higher semester. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Durham Region Heavy Contractors Association Award is available to full-time students entering or currently enrolled at Durham College who are residents of Ontario and have demonstrated financial need. Applicants must be enrolled in programs directly related to the construction industry. Preference will be given to residents of Durham region. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as be Ontario residents and Canadian citizens or permanent residents; be in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Durham Region Home Builders’ Association Award is available to students enrolled in skilled trades programs at Durham College. The award shall be provided on preference to a female and male student on a rotating basis, with female students receiving the award in even numbered years and male students receiving the award in odd numbered years. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Durham Regional Police Services Board – Roger Anderson Memorial Award is available to full-time students who have graduated from a secondary school in the Durham Region or resided there while attending secondary school elsewhere. Applicants must be full-time students in the School of Justice & Emergency Services and demonstrate community service above and beyond the mandatory volunteer involvement. This award is available in even numbered years.
The Dwayne Moses Memorial Award is provided to a Durham College student who is an Ontario resident, Canadian citizen or landed immigrant in full-time studies with demonstrated financial need. The award is open to second year students in the Human Services Worker program. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards office of the college. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
Students must be enrolled full-time in the pre-apprenticeship programs or year-1 or 2 of a post-secondary program within the Faculty of Science, Engineering & Information Technology (SEIT) or Faculty of Skilled Trades & Apprenticeship (STA). One award is awarded to a student in the Faculty of SEIT and the other is awarded to a student in the Faculty of STA.
Students must identify as a woman and/or individual identifying as a member of the Indigenous/Metis community, be in good academic standing with no academic offenses, and demonstrate one or more of the following: outstanding “team player”, exudes positive attitude and commitment, and assumes a leadership role amongst their peers. This award is open to domestic and/or international students.
If there is no eligible student in one faculty, a second award may be awarded to the same faculty. If no women are eligible, the award can be given to a man who identifies as indigenous.
Details on how to apply for this award will be sent to students via email in the Fall.
The Estates of Kathleen Nawrot and Jean Kroll Award is an in-course award that will be presented annually to a student in any program or year of studies. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Eva Loraine Cornish Memorial Award is available to a second year full-time student with demonstrated financial need and is not receiving OSAP. Preference is given to a student who has a permanent home address in the region of Durham. The recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as be an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident.
The General Motors of Canada Limited Bursary is available to full-time students with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 and registered in the Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechtronics, Electronics Engineering or Operations Management. Preference is given to candidates who meet the employment equity target group: women, aboriginal, disabled or visible minority.
The Greater Oshawa Area Chamber of Commerce Award is available to full-time second or third year students in the School of Business, IT & Management who demonstrate financial need. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Greenbriar Foundation Award is available to full-time Durham College students. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Harold ‘Pat’ Dooley Bursary is available to full-time students with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.25 who have demonstrated financial need. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as be Ontario residents and Canadian citizens or permanent residents; be in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Jack V. Cunningham Award is an in-course award that will be presented annually to a student in the second year of Electrical Technician Instrumentation and Control Program. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Jamie Striemer Memorial Award is available to a mature student enrolled in a program at the Skilled Trades Centre. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Jeffrey and Julia Boyce Business Award is available to full-time students enrolled at Durham College entering their second or third year, who have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, who are residents of Ontario and have demonstrated financial need. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Joan Russell & Lyn Parker Award is granted to a student in full-time studies of good academic standing who has demonstrated financial need. Preference is given to an indigenous student and/or a student studying in skilled trades. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the College.
The Joseph Button Achievement Scholarship will be granted annually to a student who has successfully completed the Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Techniques (HVAC) certificate. This award should be presented to the candidate who possesses the sound technical knowledge and hands on experience to be top of his/her class, with the highest GPA achieved in the program.
The Kent and Douglas Farndale Culinary Award will be granted annually to a student enrolled in the culinary family of programs. The recipient will meet the OTSS residency requirements which include being an Ontario resident and a Canadian citizen, being in full-time studies and of good academic standing, and having a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Lenovo (Canada) Inc. Access Awards are available to full-time students in any Durham College program. Preference will be given to visible minorities, women, persons with disabilities and aboriginal peoples. Special consideration will be given to students who are the first generation of their family to attend post-secondary education and/or sole support parents.
The Lloyd’s Grounds Management Professional Ltd Bursary will be granted annually to a student studying in the Horticulture Technician program. The bursary recipient must be in full-time studies, be in good academic standing and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipients will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the College.
The Lloyd’s Grounds Management Professional Ltd Scholarship is an in-course award presented to the second-place student studying in the Horticulture Technician program. The recipients will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the College.
The Lorne Prentice Memorial Award will be granted annually to a student from the Faculty of Skilled Trades and Apprenticeships who demonstrates financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Award and Financial Aid Office of the College.
The Lois and Gary Polonsky Bursary Award is available to full-time Durham College students who have demonstrated financial need, and have a minimum average of 75 per cent, or equivalent GPA. Recipients will be selected by the Student Awards office of the college. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Lois Sleightholm Award is available to full-time Durham College students. Preference will be given to applicants who attended a Whitby high school and are Whitby residents. Recipients will meet the OSAP residency requirements which include being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident, and have demonstrated financial need.
The Lois Sleightholm 21st Century Fund is available to students enrolled full-time in the School of Skilled Trades, Apprenticeship and Renewable Technology with a preference towards renewable energy programs. Recipients will meet the OSAP residency requirements which include being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident, and have demonstrated financial need.
The Marjorie Elizabeth Willoughby Awards are available to full-time students at Durham College with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75. Preference will be given to Durham Region residents who are sole-support parents. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as be Ontario residents and Canadian citizens or permanent residents; be in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Masonic Foundation of Ontario Award will be granted annually to any student in any program who has demonstrated financial need. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as be Ontario residents and Canadian citizens or permanent residents; be in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Massage Addict Clinical Practice Award will be awarded annually to a student who demonstrates excellence in the clinical practice environment, professionalism, client rapport, and is a team player. The recipients will be selected by a program committee from the Faculty of Health Sciences.
Details on how to apply for this award will be sent to students via email in the Fall.
The Massage Addict Overall Excellence Award will be awarded annually to the student who demonstrates evidence-informed decision-making, a commitment to learning, and strong leadership ability with a preference for a student who attained high academic achievement. The recipients will be selected by a program committee from the Faculty of Health Sciences.
Details on how to apply for this award will be sent to students via email in the Fall.
The McErlean Family Award is available to a single parent undertaking studies in any faculty and year at the college. The award is intended to cover all institutional costs including, but not limited to tuition, mobile computing fee, ancillary fees, and the cost of books. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
Students must demonstrate financial need; for more details log in to MyCampus and download the application form.
The Michael Starr Anniversary Award will be granted to a student in the Business Admin – Human Resources program. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Mike Kavanaugh Award is available to an entrance or existing student in the Mechanical Technician Program-Tool and Die/CNC. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Ontario Power Generation Award is available to an entrance or existing student in School of Science & Engineering Technology. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The OPG Employee and Pensioners’ Award is available to full-time Durham College students. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries Bursaries will be awarded annually to two students attending one of the following programs: Electrical Engineering Technician, Gas Technician 2, Mechanical Technician – Millwright, Power Engineering Technician and Welding Engineering Technician. The recipients will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the College.
The Oshawa Community Credit Union Award is available to a full-time Durham College student in the School of Business, IT & Management or to a nursing student in the School of Health & Community Services. Full-time students in years 1, 2 or 3 who complete a Student Financial Profile will be given consideration for this award.
The Oshawa Double B Sports Club Bursary is available to full-time, second-year students who have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5. The recipient will preferably be a member of a college varsity sport team with a demonstrated record of community service.
The OWASCO Volkswagen Award is available to an entrance or existing student in the Marketing/Business program. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Paul Vessey Award will be granted annually to a student enrolled in the School of Business, IT Management. The recipient will meet the OTSS residency requirements which include being an Ontario resident and a Canadian citizen, being in full-time studies and of good academic standing, and having a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the College.
The Pine Ridge Art Council Cathy Schippering Bursary for students in financial need with good academic standing within the Music Business Management program. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the College.
The Plant A Seed & See What Grows Foundation Award is granted annually to a student who is studying in the Horticulture – Food and Farming program. The applicant must submit a 500-word essay on their involvement with the community as it relates to farming. The recipient must be in full-time studies and of good academic standing, and having a demonstrated financial need.
The Rotary Club of Port Perry Award will be granted annually to a student who has made a significant contribution towards community service. Preference will be given to those who currently live or have lived in Scugog during their high school years. The recipient selected is an Ontario resident and a Canadian citizen, being in full-time studies, of good academic standing, and has demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the College.
The Princess Auto Foundation Award will be granted annually to a students in the Skilled Trades or Technology programs. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Prosecutors Association of Ontario Student Awards will be granted to a full-time student enrolled in the second year of the Paralegal diploma program at Durham College who best exemplifies the ethics and ideals of justice while demonstrating excellence in advocacy. Details on how to apply for this award will be sent to students via email in the Fall.
The Prosecutors Association of Ontario Excellence Award will be granted to a full-time student enrolled in the third year of the Bachelor of Applied Arts - Paralegal Studies program at Durham College who best exemplifies the ethics and ideals of justice, while demonstrating excellence in advocacy. Details on how to apply for this award will be sent to students via email in the Fall.
The Purdue Pharma Award is available to a full-time Durham College student. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Ralph Sagar Award is available to a full-time student, with preference given to students enrolled in the Animation-Computer Arts program. This award was established by the estate of Linda Darlene Sagar in honour of her brother, Ralph. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Retired Teachers Association District 28 Award is an entrance award available to students who have graduated from a high school within District 28.The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Regional Chair's Classic in Memory of Roger Anderson Award is available to full-time Durham College students in good standing with demonstrated financial need. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Roger Pardy Memorial Award is available to full-time second-year students enrolled in the Police Foundations program who have demonstrated strong leadership and participation in community activities. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Ross Mackie Award is available to a full-time student in financial need, with an average of 75 per cent, or equivalent GPA. The recipient will be a single parent undertaking studies in any field. Preference will be given to a resident of Durham Region. The award is intended to cover all institutional costs, including, but not limited to, tuition, mobile computing fee, ancillary fees, and the cost of books. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Anne Sabat Award is granted annually to a student who has successfully completed the Centre for Success program, has enrolled at Durham College and is in financial need, however, and has received a relatively small grant from the government assistance program. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
To be awarded to a student going into their first year and will be returning for their second year of studies in the Hospitality and Tourism area (Tourism Management, Culinary Management, Hotel & Resort Operation, Hotel & Resort Administration) who has shown great effort to succeed in their field of study, has completed one co-op placement or work term, has demonstrated academic merit and has a clear financial need. They will also have successfully completed their Smart Serve certification.
The Smart Serve Scholarship will be awarded to two top-ranked, full-time second-year students enrolled in Culinary Management, Hospitality - Hotel and Restaurant Operations Management, or Event Planning program, who have completed Smart Serve certification. Details on how to apply for this award will be sent to students via email in the Fall.
The Special Olympics 2008 Spring Games Award is available to a student enrolled in the College Community Integration through Cooperative Education” (CICE) program or a student enrolled in a program that has been designed for persons with intellectual disabilities. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Stanley Lovell Memorial Award is available to one student enrolled in the Developmental Service Worker program and one student enrolled in a business program at the college. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as be Ontario residents and Canadian citizens or permanent residents; be in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Jim Ferr Legacy Award in Photography will be granted to a graduating student from the Photography program at Durham College who demonstrates creative and hardworking qualities and is passionate about pursuing a career in Photography. The recipient will be selected by a program committee from the Faculty of Media, Art & Design and distributed in the fourth semester of the program. Details on how to apply for this award will be sent to students via email in the Fall.
This award is in recognition of the hard work and dedication of an honorary student of the Personal Support Worker Program at Durham College. The award has been provided to support a career choice where Passion can Serve Well within our community and to commemorate the legacy of the late Maureen Huntrods, a PSW who was true to the profession and the clients she provided such delicate care to.
The Maureen E. Huntrods Memorial PSW Scholarship Fund will be granted annually to a student in the Personal Support Worker program. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the College.
The Thermëa Spa Village Whitby Bursary is for a student in financial need with good academic standing within the massage therapy program. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the College.
The Thermëa Spa Village Whitby scholarship will be granted to a student who has successfully completed the Massage Therapy program with the highest GPA achieved in the program. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the College.
The Toronto Dominion Green Environment Award is available to a second or third year student studying in one of the colleges Green Environment Programs. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards office of the college.
The Travis Pepper Award is an in-course award that will be presented annually to a student in any program or year of studies. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Tyncel Hasan Award is awarded annually to a student enrolled in the Graphic Design program. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards office of the college.
The UA Local 463 Award (plumbers, steam fitters, welders and apprentices) is available for a full-time, first-year student who completed his or her final year of high school with a minimum average of 75 per cent. Preference will be given to students registered in a skilled trades program and to relatives of UA Local 463 members.
Wolseley Canada Inc Student Bursary will be granted to two students from the Faculty of Skilled Trades and Apprenticeships who demonstrate financial need, preference will be given to a female. The recipient will be selected by the Student Award and Financial Aid Office of the College.
The Wordham Family Award is available to a full-time Durham College student who is the first of his/her immediate family to attend a post-secondary institution and who has an incoming average between 75 per cent – 90 per cent. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Xerox Canada Award is available to a full-time, second-year student in the School of Business, IT and Management or School of Applied Sciences, Apprenticeship, Skilled Trades & Technology. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 2.75 and demonstrate leadership in student life on campus. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.
The Your Student Association Award is available to an entrance or existing full-time Durham College student. The award recipient will meet the OSAP residency requirements such as being an Ontario resident and Canadian citizen or permanent resident; and is enrolled in full-time studies and have a demonstrated financial need. The recipient will be selected by the Student Awards Office of the college.