Media Archive

Ontario Power Generation continues long-standing partnership with Durham College and UOIT

$5-million investment over five years will support program curriculum

Ontario Power Generation to announce investment in Durham College and UOIT

November 18, 2010 OSHAWA, Ont. – Ontario Power Generation (OPG) will make a major announcement

Durham College Corporate Training Services partners with oogled to offer social media seminars

November 5, 2010 As part of its commitment to help business owners understand social media and its many benefits

Dr. Ted Jablonski and SAD No More Tour visit Durham College

Dr. Ted Jablonski, family physician, speaks to Durham College students, faculty and staff

Durham College approved for up to $750,000 in research funding from Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario

Support from Applied Research and Commercialization Initiative will help college develop

Durham College now eligible for research funding from Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada

October 22, 2010 Funding to be used to support ongoing research initiatives with local business and community partners

TSN's Jay Onrait to address graduates at Durham College's fall convocation ceremony

Co-host of SportsCentre’s late evening/morning loop edition to offer advice and inspiration to graduating students

Ready, set, grow! Durham College enrolment up 37 per cent since 2004

Strong growth in student population continues for 2010-2011 academic year

Durham Region Concert Association presents $20,000 bursary to Durham College

Tom Hodgson, past-president of the Durham Region Concert Association, speaks to students and guests

Durham Region Concert Association to present significant donation to Durham College

Financial support to be provided to Music Business Administration/Management program students