Getting Help
There are a number of wellness and safety services on campus for students and employees.
If you're hurt, call CERT.
DC’s Campus Emergency Response Team (CERT) provides assistance and advanced first-aid during medical emergencies at the Oshawa and Whitby campuses using student volunteers trained as First Responders or Medical Emergency Responders with the Canadian Red Cross. CERT is available 24/7, seven days a week from the beginning of September to the last week of April. They can be reached by calling the Office of Campus Safety at 905.721.2000, ext. 2400.
Campus Health and Wellness Centre
The Campus Health and Wellness Centre supports the mental and physical health of students and employees.
Need help? Call the Campus Health Centre at 905.721.3037.
Sexual Violence Support
DC is committed to creating a positive space for our community members to learn, work and express themselves in an environment free from all forms of sexual violence.
Support is available to students and employees who have been impacted by sexual violence, regardless of when or where the violence took place.
Learn how we can all create a safer and more supportive space for survivors of sexual violence.
If you need help you can email the support co-ordinator or call 905.721.8668 ext. 3100.
Student Conduct
The addresses non-academic issues on campus. These and other documents reinforce and protect student rights, responsibilities, and well-being.
If you need assistance, you can email Student Conduct and Campus Investigations or call 905.728.8668 ext. 2596.