Staying Safe
- How Can I Stay Safe Online?
- Safety in Residence
- Campus Walk
- Lockdown and Secure-and-Hold
- Emergency Guidelines
- Campus security
- Code Blue Stations
How can I stay safe online?
Watch the video below to learn some simple technology tips to protect the devices you use at DC.
If you need assistance with your device, you can email the IT service desk or call 905.721.3333.
Safety in Residence
The residence team makes the safety and security of DC’s students their number one priority.
Need help? Email the residence managers or call 905.728.8700 ext. 8000.
Campus Walk
DC’s Campus Walk service is available to students, staff or visitors on weeknights. Trained student teams will accompany you to your car, residence or other campus location.
To request this service, visit the security desk at the Gordon Willey building, or speak to security in the Library, Student Centre or Residence. You can also call the security desk if you’d like to be met at another location.
Lockdown and Secure-and-Hold
In the event of an active threat on campus, a lockdown may be called by a member of the Emergency Management Response Team or the president.
In a lockdown, students and employees will take refuge in an office or classroom. Lockdowns will be communicated through the utilization of our Alertus emergency mass notification system.
A secure-and-hold is used when there is an incident or emergency that may threaten the safety of students and employees or the facility itself.
In the event of a secure-and-hold, members of the campus community will be required to stay inside, but will be able to move around the building freely.
Emergency Guidelines
DC and Ontario Tech University have collaborated to create a comprehensive emergency management program on campus.
The Emergency Preparedness Plan provides guidance and direction for all aspects of emergency management including the coordination of mitigation, prevention, preparedness, response, continuity and recovery activities for any emergency on or near our campuses.
Emergency guidelines posters can be found on the walls of hallways and open areas, as well as classrooms and offices across all DC campuses.
Campus Security
Campus Security has CPR and first-aid qualified guards on duty 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, patrolling buildings and grounds throughout the day and evening.
Need help? Contact Campus Security at 905.721.8668 ext. 2400 or 905.721.3211.
Code blue stations
When in doubt, push the button!
Code Blue Stations are nine-foot red poles with blue lights on the top that can instantly connect you to campus security.
Once the button is pressed, the call immediately goes to the security desk. Campus security will dispatch a guard to your location and, if required, emergency services will be dispatched.
The map below notes the location of each code blue station.